大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第四册 Unit 04

大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第四册 Unit 04

Unit 04 : Career Choice > Listening and Watching > Listening

Listen to the passage and supply the missing words or phrases.

  •       The career you choose will affect the (1) of your life in many respects, including your range of friends, your choice of husband or wife, and your recreational (2) .
          To (3), you must firstly have a clear (4)  of your abilities, interests and aims. Then try to find out the kind of (5) in which you can find success and satisfaction. Secondly, you have to weigh carefully the (6) against the long-term prospects offered by the job you are considering. Be sure to ask your parents, teachers, and career advisers for useful suggestions and try to (7)  your personal qualities and (8) .
          In order to have a clear idea about the work that suits you the best, you should make a thorough study of jobs (9). Obtain as much information as possible, and (10) it from every angle before you make the final decision.
  • 正确答案:1. future course   2. activities   3. make a wise decision   4. knowledge   5. occupation   6. immediate advantages   7. take full advantage of   8. qualifications   9. available   10. examine  
  • Script:
          The career you choose will affect the future course of your life in many respects, including your range of friends, your choice of husband or wife, and your recreational activities.
          To make a wise decision, you must firstly have a clear knowledge of your abilities, interests and aims. Then try to find out the kind of occupation in which you can find success and satisfaction. Secondly, you have to weigh carefully the immediate advantages against the long-term prospect offered by the job you are considering. Be sure to ask your parents, teachers, and career advisers for useful suggestion and try to take full advantage of your personal qualities and qualifications.
          In order to have a clear idea about the work that suits you the best, you should make a thorough study of jobs available. Obtain as much information as possible, and examine it from every angle before you make the final decision.

Unit 04 : Career Choice > Text Study > Text A

  • Is Technical Training a Wise Career Move?
  • 1     Last year, Bethany Jett was a top student at Patterson High School in Patterson, Louisiana, with an average 3.96 grade point. But instead of attending a four-year college, the 18-year-old girl chose Louisiana Technical School in Morgan City to become a licensed practical nurse in a two-year program.
    2     Her decision didn’t make sense to some. But Ms. Jett, who already knew she wanted to be a nurse, didn’t feel like spending time on a liberal-arts degree and taking courses that had little to do with her career choice. Now, she and her nursing classmates “have a common goal as to what we want to do,” she says. “I didn’t want to be in a classroom with people who don’t have a clear aim in life and who are playing around.” Ms. Jett adds that in her nursing program there are others who were high-school honors students and some even gave the speech on behalf of their class upon graduation. By this she disputes the stereotype that technical schools are for people not smart enough to attend a four-year college. Although she admits she has missed a college education, she will graduate next year with no student loans and with credentials to get a nursing job. “I don’t regret one decision,” Ms. Jett concludes.
    3     Increasingly, technical training is attracting students, including some top-performing ones, who are interested in starting their careers earlier. “Enrollment in technical education has gone up,” says Thomas N. Applegate, president of the Association for Career and Technical Education, an organization aiming for the advancement of education that prepares youths and adults for careers. He adds that people are realizing that the Bachelor of Arts isn’t a magic bullet.
    4     These relatively inexpensive programs are available in high schools, community colleges and technical schools and offer credentials, a license or an associate’s degree. In addition, a growing number of community and technical colleges have developed working relationships with four-year colleges to accept those credits for transfer. Career and technical education “is only a beginning for many young people, not a dead end,” Mr. Applegate says.
    5     Although people have been aware of career and technical education for years, the economic depression of the past few years has undoubtedly drawn interest to programs that offer immediate access to a job after learning a specific skill. A bigger draw, experts say, is that many of these jobs are very well paid. For example, a first-class technician can earn a six-figure income.
    6     Automobile Youth Educational Systems Inc. (AYES), an organization that pairs students with opportunities in the automobile industry, says interest in this program has climbed in recent years. Through AYES, high-school and vocational-school students learn about automobile maintenance, repair, fitting and decoration. The program also includes a course on automobile sales, which is particularly intended for future car dealers.
    7      “This is not a career path for someone who is not excellent, since this is a career as opposed to a job,” says Larry Cummings, president and chief executive of AYES.
    8      However, because of the focus on one specific topic, going this route can sometimes make career changing difficult and limit one’s choice on the labor market.
    9     Large companies see the merits of career and technical education as well. Cisco Systems Inc. has set up a “networking academy” in various educational institutions where students take courses in technology and computer networking. Although the company ultimately hires only those with a four-year degree, students who attend Cisco’s networking academy and complete their studies nevertheless “have a definite skill,” says Joe Franck, an executive of the company in charge of the academy’s operation. He says that some of these students can be hired by other companies or eventually by Cisco after getting a four-year degree. “We’re trying to capture students’ interest at an earlier time,” he adds.



1    去年,贝撒妮•杰特是路易斯安那州帕特森市帕特森高中的一名尖子生,平均积点为3.96。但这位18岁的女孩并未选择上四年制大学,而选择了地处摩根市的路易斯安那技术学校。通过2年的培训,她要成为一名持有执照的初级护士。

2    她的决定对一些人来说是不明智的。但杰特女士已经清楚自己想成为一名护士,她不想花时间去读个文科学士学位,选修与自己职业无关的课程。现在她和她护理专业的同学们“在我们想做什么方面有一个共同的目标”,她说,“我不想和那些没有明确生活目标而在玩来玩去的人待在一个教室里。”杰特女士补充道,和她一起接受护理项目培训的人中有些在高中也是优等生,有些甚至在高中毕业典礼上作为班级代表发言。她以此质疑了人们固有的观念:技术学校是为那些不够聪明、上不了大学的人开设的。虽然她承认失去了接受大学教育的机会,但她明年就可以毕业,没有还助学贷款的负担,并将拥有获得护理工作的资格证书。“我不后悔我的决定,”杰特女士下了这样的结论。

3    专业培训正越来越吸引学生,包括一些成绩拔尖的学生,他们想趁早开始职业生涯。“专业技术教育的入学注册率在上升,”托马斯•N•阿普尔盖特说,他是职业技术教育协会主席,这个机构致力于促进帮助年轻人和成人进入职场的教育。他补充说,人们意识到文学学士学位并不是能解决就业问题的灵丹妙药。

4    这些相对便宜的专业开设在高中、社区学院和技术学校里,颁发资格证书、从业执照,或者授予大专学位。除此之外,越来越多的社区学院和技术院校与四年制大学建立了工作关系,使它们的学分在大学里可以转换。职业技术教育“对许多年轻人来说仅仅是个开始,而不是一条死胡同,”阿普尔盖特说。

5    虽然人们知道职业技术教育已多年,过去几年的经济萧条无疑更将人们的兴趣转向能学会一门特定技能并立即就业的专业。专家们说,更大的吸引力是许多这类工作薪酬很高,例如一流的技师能有六位数的收入。

6    汽车青年教育系统公司是一个为学生寻找汽车行业就业机会的机构。该机构称近年来人们对他们项目的兴趣在攀升。通过这个机构,高中生和职校学生学习汽车保养、维修、安装和装饰技术。这个项目还包括为未来的汽车经销人员特设的汽车销售课程。

7    公司执行总裁拉瑞•卡明斯说:“这不是不够优秀的年轻人可以踏上的职业发展之路,因为这是一项事业,不同于干活挣钱。”

8    但是,由于只专注于某个行业,这种就业途径会使职业转换变得困难,在劳动力市场中的选择也会受到限制。

9    大公司也看到了职业技术教育的优点。思科系统公司在许多教育机构建立了“网络学院”,学生在“网络学院”学习技术课程和计算机网络课程。虽然公司最终只雇用有四年制大学学位的毕业生,但参加过思科网络学院并完成学业的学生还是“肯定学到了一定的技能”, 思科公司的一位负责学院运作的高层官员乔•弗兰克说。他说,其中有些学生被其他公司聘用,或在拿到四年制大学学位后最终进入思科公司。“我们正努力在更早的时候赢得学生的兴趣,”他补充道。

Unit 04 : Career Choice > Unit Quiz

• I   Directions: Choose the best answer to each blank.

  • 1. So what can we ________ from this debate?

  • A) result

  • B) finish

  • C) know

  • D) conclude
  • 2. He wants to ________ some money to the account of his daughter.

  • A) transport

  • B) transfer

  • C) transform

  • D) transmission
  • 3. I like to think I’m ________ easy to get along with.

  • A) relatively

  • B) related

  • C) relate

  • D) relation
  • 4. There are good opportunities for ________within the company.

  • A) advance

  • B) advanced

  • C) advancement

  • D) advertisement
  • 5. He works as a sound ________ in a recording studio.

  • A) technique

  • B) technician

  • C) teacher

  • D) technical
  • 6. If you need your GED ________, your goal is crystal clear.

  • A) credential

  • B) credit

  • C) creation

  • D) card
  • 7. There is great ________ in dealing fairly with your employees.

  • A) point

  • B) focus

  • C) good

  • D) merit
  • 8. Enclosed you ________an application form that you are asked to fill out.

  • A) will find

  • B) find

  • C) found

  • D) are finding
  • 9. The auto industry spends large amounts of money on marketing campaigns ________ young adult customers.

  • A) attract

  • B) attracted

  • C) to attract

  • D) attracts
  • 10. The advertising company recently hired a designer _________ had once won a prize in a national contest.

  • A) whose

  • B) which

  • C) whom

  • D) who
  • 11. I forget where I read the article, or I _____ it to you now.

  • A) will show

  • B) would show

  • C) am going to show

  • D) am showing
  • 12. “It looks as if he were drunk.” “So it does. _____.”

  • A) He’d better give up drinking

  • B) He’d better give up drinking

  • C) Health is more important than drink

  • D) I wonder why he is always doing so
  • 13. – “Mary looks hot and dry.”
  • -“So _____ you if you had so high a fever.”

  • A)do

  • B)are

  • C)will

  • D)would
  • 14. All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ____ badly wounded and that he ____ at once.

  • A) should be; be operated on

  • B) were; must be operated on

  • C) was; should be operated

  • D) was; be operated on
  • 15. The patient insisted that he _______ ill and _______ to the hospital.

  • A) wasn’t, wasn’t sent

  • B) wasn’t, shouldn’t be sent

  • C) shouldn’t be, wasn’t sent

  • D) shouldn’t be, shouldn’t be sent
  • 正确答案:1. D   2. B   3. A   4. C   5. B   6. A   7. D   8. A   9. C   10. D   11. B   12. D   13. D   14. D   15. B  
  • II   Directions: You are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below.
  • (  ) 1.工资
  • (  ) 2.再就业
  • (  ) 3.工薪阶级
  • (  ) 4.求职
  • (  ) 5.月薪
  • (  ) 6.下岗的
  • (  ) 7.无业的
  • (  ) 8.跳槽
  • (  ) 9.白领
  • (  ) 10.周薪
  • a.job-hunting
  • b.laid-off
  • c.jobless
  • d.wage
  • e.white collar
  • f.monthly pay
  • g.reemployment
  • h.job-hopping
  • i.salaried classes
  • j.weekly wage
  • 正确答案:1. d   2. g   3. i   4. a   5. f   6. b   7. c   8. h   9. e   10. j  
  • III   Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
  • 1.Her decision didn’t make sense to some.
  • 2.By this she disputes the stereotype that technical schools are for people not smart enough to attend a four-year college.
  • 3.In addition, a growing number of community and technical colleges have developed working relationships with four-year colleges to accept those credits for transfer.
  • 4.Please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce a visiting scholar, George Martin, from the University of California at Berkeley.
  • 5.George is an enthusiastic and enterprising scholar.
  • 参考答案:1. 她的决定对一些人来说是不明智的。
    2. 她以此质疑了人们固有的观念:技术学校是为那些不够聪明、上不了大学的人开设的。
    3. 除此之外,越来越多的社区学院和技术院校与四年制大学建立了工作关系,使它们的学分在大学里可以转换。
    4. 请允许我借此机会向大家介绍一个访问学者,乔治马丁,来自加州大学伯克利分校。
    5. 乔治是一个热情、积极进取的学者。

Text A / Comprehension

A. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. If a statement is false, try to supply a true one.

1. __  Jett thinks that a liberal-arts degree has little to do with her future career.

2. __  For Jett, it is a foolish idea that technical schools are intended for people not intelligent enough to attend a four-year college.

3. __  To finish her studies, Jett has to borrow money from the bank.

4. __  Technical-school students have lost the opportunity to study in four-year colleges.

5. __  Graduates from technical schools can often find jobs easily and many of these jobs are very well paid.

6. __  Students who have attended Cisco Systems Inc.’s networking academy can immediately find a job in this large company.



2. T

3.  F

She will graduate with no student loans.

4.  F

Technical-school students can go on studying in four-year colleges, and a growing number of community and technical colleges have developed working relationships with four-year colleges to accept credits for transfer.

5. T

6. F

Cisco Systems Inc. hires only those with a four-year degree, yet students who attend the company’s net working academy “have a definite skill” and some of them can be hired by the company after getting a four-year degree.

B. Complete the statements that follow the questions.

1. Why didn’t Jett go to a liberal-arts college?

She didn’t want to be in a classroom with aimless people who are _________.

2. How did Jett’s nursing program classmates perform in high schools?

Some of them were honors students and some even delivered the speech ________their class upon graduation.

3. According to Thomas N. Applegate, how do many people now view the Bachelor of Arts degree?

They are realizing that the Bachelor of Arts degree isn’t a ________.

4. What have many community and technical colleges done?

They have developed ________ with four-year colleges so that students’ credits can be accepted for transfer.

5. Why is there an increasing interest in career and technical education?

The ________ of the past few years has made people more interested in programs that offer immediate access to jobs after learning a specific skill. Also, these jobs are often well paid.

6. Why does vocational education sometimes make career changing tough and limit one’s choice on the job market?

It is because this kind of education usually focuses on one ________.


1. playing around

2. on behalf of

3. magic bullet

4. working relationships

5. economic depression

6. specific topic

Vocabulary Building / Exercises

A.Match the definitions in Column B with the words in Column A.

A.Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given words.

1. His _________ (decide) to resign surprised all of us.

2. The aim of a university should be the_________ (advance) of learning.

3. I am in charge of the_________ (maintain) of these machines.

4. He is lucky enough to have bought a large but _________ (expensive) apartment.

5. _________ (vocation) education has been making very important contributions to China’s social and economic development.

6. This fund is _________ (intention) for emergency use only.

7. Now in China experienced _________ (technical) are much needed and usually well paid.

8. As her son hadn’t yet come home, she became_________ (increase) worried.


1.    decision

2.    advancement

3.    maintenance

4.    inexpensive

5.    Vocational

6.    intended

7.    technicians

8.    increasingly

Grammar Tips / Exercises

 Complete each of the following sentences in the subjunctive mood.

1. I wish ______________________ (我要是既懂英文又懂法文就好了).

2. Were ________ (要是我来做这件事), I would make a survey of public opinion at first.

3. ______________________ (要不是他帮忙), we couldn’t have done it successfully.

4. I would rather ___________________________________ (你昨天晚上答应了我).

5. It is high time that ____________________________ (我们该努力学习英语了).

6. In that case ________________________________ (我们本可能更早完成任务).

7. He gets up early lest_________________________________ (上学迟到).

8. I would just as soon __________________________ (你已经通过了大学英语六级考试).


1.    I knew both English and French

2.    I to do it

3.    But for his help

4.    you had promised me last night

5.    we made great efforts to learn English

6.    we could have accomplished the task earlier

7.    he should be late for school

8.    you had passed CET-6

Text B / Comprehension

A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. It seems that college students begin to seriously consider their future at least ________ ahead of their


A. half a year

B. one year

C. two years

D. two semesters

2. The author and his friends thought Bill Gates and Michael Dell ________.

      A. lived too far from them

      B. belonged to the older generation

      C. were too unique for them to imitate

      D. didn’t like to contact young people

3. When the author was busy writing papers and getting them published, Bob ________.

      A. was moving to Silicon Valley to run his own company

      B. was finishing the latest website design for his company

      C. was completing building his second million-dollar home

      D. had already retired from work

4. To be truly successful, people should know their intellectual interests and then ________.

      A. choose between these interests and their career

      B. adjust these interests to their career

      C. stick to these interests regardless

      D. match their career development with those interests

5. That the author ______ is NOT among the reasons why he feels himself a much more fulfilled person.

      A. got married and started a family while in graduate school

      B. has been financially successful

      C. can conduct research on interesting topics

      D. has explored various activities and interests

6. It can be concluded that the author thinks ________.

      A. both his and Bob’s choices were bad

      B. he made a better decision than Bob did

      C. Bob’s choice has proved wiser than his

      D. both he and Bob are pursuing their own goals


1.A  2.C  3.B  4.D  5.B

B. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. If a statement is false, try to supply a true one.

1. ___ The author decided to find a job after he had received his bachelor’s degree.

2. ___ The author thought of advanced degree programs as a path to future success.

3. ___ Bob started his own company in Silicon Valley.

4. ___ Most computer companies want to hire young people with serious engineering, computer or business-related knowledge.

5. ___ According to the author, the most impressive people are those who are pursuing their beliefs and values.

6. ___ The author married and started a family after he graduated from school.



The author decided to go to graduate school after he had received his bachelor’s degree.


3. T

4. T

5. F

According to the author, the most impressive people are those who actually find the way to do both: they are financially rewarded for exercising their beliefs and values.


While in graduate school, the author married and started a family.

Comprehensive Exercises

A. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the blanks.

Any huge success (1)________ preparation and hard work. Thomas Edison once remarked, “A genius(天才) is a talented person who does his homework.” Bill Gates was a silent computer programmer before he became the focus of (2)________. Michael Jordan was a hardworking and determined high-school and college athlete (3) ________ he became one of the greatest athletes of all time. These men have different careers and ambitions, but they have (4) _______ themselves to their work, have been willing  to work hard, and haven’t been defeated by failure. They know that success (5) _______ on learning from mistakes and overcoming challenges. It’s not (6) _______ to be ambitious. The world is filled with ambition. And the path to success is scattered with unfulfilled dreams and disillusioned (幻灭的) people who (7) ________ achieved the recognition or success they felt they deserved. It would be great to go straight to the rewards (8) _________ having to make investments of time, energy, and money in skill — and credential-building. But such things never happen. So, no matter (9) __________ career you will choose, go on the journey of learning and preparing first. The journey will lead you to your goal, and the lessons and skills you learn on the path can be as rewarding as the (10) __________ itself.

1. A. includes            B. takes

      C. makes           D. accompanies

2. A. attention           B. newspapers

      C. people        D. discussion

3. A. when          B. as       C. after      D. before

4. A. led           B. devoted   C. driven          D. contributed

5. A. depends       B. insists

      C. focuses        D. keeps

6. A. wise                 B. necessary

      C. enough        D. important

7. A. sometimes             B. always             C. often         D. never

8.  A. without      B. through            C. by       D. from

9. A. which         B. whichever

      C. what             D. whatever

10.  A. journey           B. path     

C. goal        D. career


1. B   2. A   3. D    4. B     5. A     6. C     7. D   8. A    9. C   10. C

B. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 她不多讲话,但言之有理。(make sense)

2. 我代表我们公司欢迎你来这里。(on behalf of)

3. 我在这里是办公事而不是度假。(as opposed to)

4. 我们的最终目的是最迟年底完成这项工作。(aim for)

5. 为了完成论文我打算熬夜不睡。(stay up)


1. She doesn’t talk much, but what she says makes sense.

2. On behalf of my company, I would like to welcome you here.

3. I am here on business as opposed to on holiday.

4. We aim for the completion of the task by the end of the year.

5. I am going to stay up late to finish my paper.

C. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

These relatively inexpensive programs are available in high schools, community colleges and technical schools and offer credentials, a license or an associate’s degree. In addition, a growing number of community and technical colleges have developed working relationships with four-year colleges to accept those credits for transfer. Career and technical education “is only a beginning for many young people, not a dead end,” Mr. Applegate says.


Practical Reading and Writing

A. Complete the answer (in no more than three words) to each of the following questions.

1. Who is introduced in this letter?

___________is introduced.

2. How long will George be a member of the Asia Pacific Economy Program?

He will be a member of the Asia Pacific Economy Program for ________    .

3. What kind of scholar is George according to the letter?

George is a(n) ________ scholar.

4. How long has he done various pieces of research on American and Asian economies?

He has done research in this field for more than ________.

5. When will George arrive?

He will arrive    ________.


1. next Friday

2. nine months

3. enthusiastic and enterprising

4. ten years

5. George Martin

B. Write a formal letter of introduction based on the following information. You should write at least 70 words. Follow the example you have read and pay close attention to the writing tips given above.



内容:王磊要为 ABC 公司纺织部的进口经理王有先生出具一份单位介绍信。王先生将在纽约度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品。如果对方能将他介绍给可靠的生产厂家,并提供所需的任何帮助或建议,ABC 公司将不胜感谢。

Sample Answer:

圆角矩形: December 11, 2012
Dear Sir/Madam,
       I am pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, the import manager of our Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in New York to develop our business with chief manufacturers and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season. We shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.
Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                Wang Lei



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