大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第三册 Unit 08

大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第三册 Unit 08


  • Unit 08 : Harry Potter > Listening and Watching > Listening


  • 1. Who is Daniel?
    Daniel is the actor who has been  Harry Potter for 10 years.
    2. What souvenirs did Daniel take from the Harry Potter films?
    He took two pairs of  .
    3. Of which Harry Potter film does Daniel have the best memory?
    He has his best Harry Potter memory from the  film.
    4. What is the scene in that film that gave Daniel the best memory?
    It was the scene where he burst out of the water in the cave, surrounded by a ring of .
    5. Does Daniel want to play in another Harry Potter film?
    No. He thinks that playing Harry Potter for ten years is .
    2. 丹尼尔从哈利波特电影里拿了什么纪念品?




  • 正确答案:1. playing   2. glasses   3. sixth   4. fire   5. enough  
  • Script:
    W: Daniel, you have been playing Harry Potter for 10 years. How does it feel now that the Harry Potter films are coming to an end?
    M: Obviously, toward the end, it was very emotional. We all cried a lot. The first month away from the film was very strange.
    W: Did you take any souvenirs from the films?
    M: I only wanted Harry’s glasses. I ended up getting two pairs of the glasses. I have one pair without glass from the seventh film, and I also got a pair with glass from the very first film. I’m very happy with them.
    W: What’s your best Harry Potter memory from the past 10 years?
    M: Well, it was the scene in the sixth film where I burst out of the water in the cave, surrounded by a ring of fire. It’s a lot of fun, and I’ll miss that, certainly.
    W: If there were another Harry Potter book, would you want to star in that next film?
    M: No, probably not. Ten years is enough. I think the films have come to reach a rather perfect and wonderful conclusion.




Unit 08 : Harry Potter > Text Study > Text A

  • The Vanishing Glass
1     After lunch they went to the reptile house. It was cool and dark in there, with lighted windows all along the walls. Behind the glass, all sorts of snakes were crawling and sliding over bits of wood and stone. Dudley and Piers wanted to see the huge snakes, and Dudley quickly found the largest snake in the place. It could have wrapped its body twice around Uncle Vernon’s car and crushed it into a trash can — but at the moment it didn’t look in the mood. In fact, it was asleep.
2      Dudley stood with his nose pressed against the glass, staring at the huge brown snake.
3     “Make it move,” he whined at his father. Uncle Vernon knocked on the glass slightly, but the snake didn’t move.
4     “Do it again,” Dudley ordered. Uncle Vernon knocked on the glass rapidly, but the snake just snoozed on.
5     “This is boring,” Dudley said. He slowly went away.
6     Harry moved in front of the glass and looked carefully at the snake. He wouldn’t have been surprised if it had died of boredom itself — no friend except stupid people knocking their fingers on the glass trying to disturb it all day long. It was worse than having a cupboard as a bedroom, where the only visitor was Aunt Petunia hitting on the door to wake you up; at least he got to visit the rest of the house.
7     The snake suddenly opened its small and bright eyes. Slowly, very slowly, it raised its head until its eyes were on a level with Harry’s.
8     It winked.
9     Harry stared. Then he looked quickly around to see if anyone was watching. They weren’t. He looked back at the snake and winked, too.
10     The snake moved its head toward Uncle Vernon and Dudley, and then raised its eyes to the ceiling. It gave Harry a look that said quite plainly“I get that all the time.”
11     “I know,” Harry murmured through the glass, though he wasn’t sure the snake could hear him. “It must be really annoying.”
12     The snake nodded.
13     “Where do you come from, anyway?” Harry asked.
14     The snake pointed its tail at a little sign next to the glass. Harry peered at it.
15     Boa Constrictor, Brazil.
16     “Was it nice there?”
17     The boa constrictor pointed its tail at the sign again and Harry read on: This boa constrictor was born in the zoo. “Oh, I see — so you’ve never been to Brazil?”
18     As the snake shook its head, a very loud cry behind Harry made both of them jump. “DUDLEY! MR. DURSLEY! COME AND LOOK AT THIS SNAKE! YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT IT’S DOING!”
19     Dudley moved his heavy body toward them as fast as he could.
20     Out of the way, you,” he said, hitting Harry in the ribs. Caught by surprise, Harry fell hard on the floor. What came next happened so fast that no one saw how it happened — one second, Piers and Dudley were leaning right up close to the glass, the next, they had leapt back in horror.
21     Harry sat up and breathed hard; the glass in front of the snake had vanished. The great snake was moving rapidly, sliding out onto the floor. People throughout the reptile house screamed and started running for the exits.
22     As the snake slid quickly past him, Harry heard a low voice said, “Brazil, here I come. … Thanks, friend.”
23     The keeper of the reptile house was in shock.
24     “But the glass,” he kept saying, “where did the glass go?”
  • 消失的玻璃
  • 1    午饭后,他们来到了爬行动物馆,里面又阴又冷,四周墙上是一个个里面有灯光照明的橱窗。在玻璃后面,各种各样的蛇在木头和石块间蜿蜒爬行。达德利和皮尔斯都想看大蟒蛇。达德利很快便发现了馆内最大的一条蛇。这条蛇的身子很长,足以绕着弗农姨父的车缠两圈,并把它压成一个垃圾箱——不过此时这条蛇好像没这个兴致。实际上,它正在睡觉。

  • 2    达德利把鼻子紧紧地贴在玻璃上,目不转睛地盯着这条棕色巨蟒。

  • 3    “叫它动一动,”他哼哼唧唧地向他爸爸说道。弗农姨父轻轻地敲了敲玻璃,但蛇一动也不动。

  • 4    “再敲,”达德利命令道。弗农姨父猛敲玻璃,但蛇继续打盹。

  • 5    “没意思,”达德利嘟哝着,慢慢地走开了。

  • 6    哈利来到橱窗前,专心致志地看着那条蛇。如果那条蛇因无聊而死,他是不会感到惊讶的,因为它没有朋友,整天只有一帮笨蛋,用手指敲着玻璃骚扰它。这个橱窗比自己住的储藏室还要糟糕,那里只有佩图妮娅姨妈会来敲门吵醒自己。哈利至少还可以到屋子里的其他地方走走。

  • 7    蛇突然睁开了明亮的小眼睛。它慢慢地、慢慢地抬起头,直到它的眼睛和哈利的眼睛处在同一水平线上。

  • 8    它眨了眨眼。

  • 9    哈利紧盯着蛇。然后,他赶紧向四周看去,看是否有人注意。没人注意。他回头看着蛇,也向它眨了眨眼。

  • 10    蛇把脑袋扭向弗农姨父和达德利,然后眼睛向天花板仰起。它给哈利递了个眼色,那意思明显是说:“这种事情我经常遇到。”

  • 11    “我知道,”哈利隔着玻璃低声说,尽管他不能肯定蛇是否会听到。“肯定很烦人吧。”

  • 12    蛇点点头。

  • 13    “你是从哪里来的?”哈利问。

  • 14    蛇把尾巴指向玻璃边上的一个小标牌。哈利眯着眼一看,只见牌子上写着:

  • 15    王蛇,巴西。

  • 16    “那儿好玩吗?”

  • 17    王蛇又把尾巴指向标牌。哈利接着读到:此王蛇生于动物园。“哦,我知道了。这么说你从没去过巴西?”

  • 18    就在蛇摇头时,哈利身后传来一声大叫,把他们俩吓了一跳。“达德利!德斯利先生!快来看这条蛇!你们绝对想不到它在干嘛!”

  • 19    达德利挪着他那笨重的身体,以最快的速度朝他们挪过来。

  • 20    “滚开,你,”他说着朝哈利的肋骨上打了一拳。哈利措手不及,重重地摔在地上。紧接着发生的事情来得太快了,谁也没看清到底是怎么回事:一秒钟前,皮尔斯和达德利还凑到玻璃跟前,下一秒,两人又惊恐地跳了回去。

  • 21    哈利坐起来,深深地吸一口气。王蛇前面的玻璃不见了。大蛇飞快地窜出橱窗,爬上了地板。爬行动物馆里的人全都惊叫着向出口逃去。

  • 22    王蛇飞快地从哈利身旁滑过,这时哈利听到一个低沉的声音说,“巴西,我来了……谢谢,朋友。”

  • 23    爬行动物馆的管理员惊呆了。

  • 24    “可是玻璃,”他不停地说,“玻璃哪儿去了?”

Unit 08 : Harry Potter > Key to Book Exercises


Text A / Comprehension


A. Complete the following sentences orally according to the text, and then work with your 


partner and take turns asking and answering the questions orally.


1. Where did Harry, Dudley, and Piers go after lunch?


 After lunch, they went to the reptile house.


2. What did they find there?


There they found all sorts of snakes.


3. Why did Uncle Vernon knock on the glass?


Uncle Vernon knocked on the glass because Dudley wanted him to make the snake move.


4. What did the snake do when Harry said “It must be really annoying”?


The snake nodded in agreement.


5. Why did Piers and Dudley leap back in horror when they were leaning up close to the     




They leapt back because the glass in front of the snake had vanished and the big snake was moving rapidly, sliding out on to the floor.


B. Choose the best answer for each of the following statements or questions according to the text.


1. When Dudley found the big snake, it was ________.


A. wrapping its body around Uncle Vernon’s car


B. playing with a trash can


C. in a bad mood


D. asleep


2. Most probably it was ________ that lived in a cupboard as a bedroom.


A. the big snake


B. Dudley


C. Harry


D. Uncle Vernon


3. The big snake was born in ________.


A. the reptile house


B. a cupboard


C. Brazil


D. the zoo


4. When Piers and Dudley were leaning close to the glass to look at the snake, the glass ________.


A. fell hard on the floor


B. disappeared


C. was broken


D. was moving rapidly


5. Most probably, what happened to the glass?


A. Piers and Dudley knocked the glass broken.


B. The big snake broke the glass.


C. The glass vanished as Harry wished unconsciously.


D. The zoo keeper removed the glass so that visitors could look at the big snake closely.


 Key: D C D B C


Vocabulary Building / Exercises


A. Match the words in the left-hand column with the Chinese meanings on the right.



B. Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given word.


1. I thought it would rain, but the clouds have _____  (vanish) and it turns out a fine day.


2. Tom always______  (bully) smaller boys.


3. I had expected the book to be_______  (boredom), but it turned out to be so interesting!


4. Please don’t ______ (disturbing) me while I’m working.


5. He_______ (lean) against the big tree, absorbed in a book.


6. We’re______  (annoying) at his cold treatment of his old friends.


7. The door is locked, so______ (plain) they must be out.


8. Make your_______ (exit) through the door at the back of the stage.




1. vanished


2. bullies


3. boring


4. disturb


5. leaned


6. annoyed


7. plainly


8. exit


Grammar Tips / Exercises


A. Translate the following sentences into English by making use of inversion.


1. 我们的老师来了。


Here comes our teacher.


2. 他没带钱,我也没带。


He did not take any money with him, nor did I.


3. 教学楼的后面就是图书馆。


Behind the teaching building is the library.


4. 只有这样,我们才能在今天完成这项任务。


Only in this way can we finish the task today.


5. 我们还没到宿舍,雨就下起来了。


Hardly had we got to the dormitory when it began to rain.


B. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.


1. Not until all the fish died in the river ________ how polluted the water was.


       A. did the people realize


       B. the people realized


       C. the people did realize


       D. didn’t the people realize


2. It is necessary that not only ________ to see a doctor but also stay at home for a good sleep.


       A. you should go


       B. did you go


       C. can you go


       D. should you go


3. Nowhere else in the world ________ such a quiet, beautiful place.


       A. can there be


       B. you can find


       C. there can be


       D. can find you


4. It was very careless of Tom to have forgotten to take his homework to school.


       — My goodness! ________.


       A. So did I


       B. So I did


       C. So was I


       D. So were you


5. ________ our bus. We’ll have to wait for the next.


       A. Here comes


       B. It comes


       C. There goes


       D. Here goes


 Key: A D A A C


Text B / Comprehension


A. Answer the following questions according to the text.


1. How long did it take J. K. Rowling to write the first Harry Potter book?


It took J. K. Rowling five years to write the first Harry Potter book.


2. Why did the author want to write the Harry Potter story as a seven-book series?


She decided that it would take seven years, from the age of 11-17, to train as a wizard, and each of the books would deal with a year of Harry’s life at Hogwarts.


3. How does the author come up with the unique names for the characters in the Harry Potter books?


Many of the names are made up. The author also collect unusual names, and she takes them from all sorts of different places.


4. What is the theme that runs through all seven Harry Potter books?


The theme running through all seven books is the fight between good an evil.


5. What was J. K. Rowling’s favorite book when she was a child?


In her childhood, her favorite book was the Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge.


B. Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T if it is true, or F if false.


1. T  The author got the idea for Harry Potter on the train.


2. T  The author was also writing some parts of other Harry Potter books when she wrote the first one.


3. T  The Harry Potter books will include stories about Harry Potter at age 17.


4. F  The author had a plan to write a more interesting book after her Harry Potter books.


5. T  The author had written some novels for grown-ups before she wrote the Harry Potter story.


6. F  The author’s daughter enjoyed reading the Harry Potter books very much.


Comprehensive Exercises


A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.


1. The troops stopped at a ________ roughly 1,000 yards from the river.


       A. time


       B. moment


       C. point


       D. Sight


2. The campus is ________ from what it was 20 years ago.


       A. away


       B. differ


       C. far


       D. different


3. I’m looking forward to ________ from you soon.


       A. hear


       B. hearing


       C. heard


       D. Receive


4. The young man has ________ some money each month in order to buy an apartment of his own.


       A. put aside


       B. put up


       C. put in


       D. put on


5. Please ________ when his plane will arrive.


       A. find


       B. find up


       C. find out


       D. find at


6. Hardly had the teacher left the classroom ________ the trouble started.


       A. when


       B. than


       C. where


       D. as


7. At no time ________ be left unlocked.


       A. the door should


       B. the door


       C. should the door


       D. the door had to


8. I was unable to sleep because of the ________ noises from upstairs.


       A. annoying


       B. annoyed


       C. annoy


       D. Annoys


 Key: C D B A C A C A


B. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.



In 1998, Joanne Kathleen Rowling first introduced readers to Harry in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. The book charmed readers, young and old alike . So far, the first six books have sold 300 million copies worldwide.


Life is pretty good for the author , who is today one of Britain’s richest women. But her life wasn’t always so magical. She was born in 1965 near Bristol, England. She worked as a secretary and a teacher, but then fell on hard times. Unemployed, she struggled to support herself and her 7-year-old daughter. Inspiration struck in 1990 on a delayed train between Manchester and London. The idea for Harry just “fell into my head,” she says.


       Rowling lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, with her husband and three children. In 2004, Forbes magazine estimated that Rowling was a billionaire, which would make her the first person ever to become a billionaire from writing books.


C. Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases given.


1. 许多读者期待着能早一天看到下一本哈利·波特故事。(look forward to)


Many readers are looking forward to reading the next Harry Potter book.


2. 很多人喜欢这部电影,但我觉得它很无聊。(boring)


Many people like this movie, but I think it is boring. / Many people like this movie, but I find it boring.


3. 看这部厚厚的小说是相当耗时间的。(time-consuming)


It’s very time-consuming to read this thick novel.


4. 现在,我已经把这本书看了一半。(At the moment)


At the moment, I’m half way through the book. / At the moment, I have finished reading half of the book.


5. 哈利·波特故事如此受欢迎,连作者本人都感到吃惊。(surprise)


The Harry Potter stories were so popular that even the writer herself was surprised.


D. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.


1. He wouldn’t have been surprised if it had died of boredom itself — no friend except stupid people knocking their fingers on the glass trying to disturb it all day long.




2. What came next happened so fast that no one saw how it happened.




3. I always conceived it as a seven-book series because I decided that it would take seven years, from the ages of 11–17, to train as a wizard.




4. How do you come up with all the unique names, places, and things that help make Harry Potter so interesting?




5. After lunch they went to the reptile house. It was cool and dark in there, with lighted windows all along the walls. Behind the glass, all sorts of snakes were crawling and sliding over bits of wood and stone. Dudley and Piers wanted to see the huge snakes, and Dudley quickly found the largest snake in the place. It could have wrapped its body twice around Uncle Vernon’s car and crushed it into a trash can — but at the moment it didn’t look in the mood. In fact, it was asleep.




Practical Reading and Writing / Exercises


A. Complete the answers (in no more than three words) to each of the following questions.


1. Where did Harry go in the afternoon?


Harry went with Dudley and Piers to the reptile house .


2. What did they find in the place?


They found the largest snake there.


3. What was the snake doing when they found it?


The snake was asleep .


4. What happened when Harry looked at the snake?


The snake communicated with him with the motion of its body.


5. What happened when Dudley and Piers stood close to the glass to take a look at the snake?


The glass mysteriously vanished and the snake escaped.


B. The following is a summary of An Interview with J. K. Rowling. Read the original text carefully, and then complete the summary below. You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words).


In the interview, J. K. Rowling reveals that she got the idea for Harry Potter on a long (1)______. It took her (2)________ to writer the first book. She plans to write a (3)_______ series, and her future books will continue to focus on the fight between (4)________ as the theme. In her book, many of the interesting names are (5)________ or collected over time. She always wanted to be a writer ever since her childhood. The Harry Potter book is her first (6)_________ book. At the moment she is putting all her time and energy on the Harry Potter books. As a writer, she is (7) ________ by E. Nesbit, Paul Gallico, C. S. Lewis, and Elizabeth Goudge. She often reads children’s books to her daughter, and she wishes that she could (8) ________ her own books with her daughter soon.




1. train journey          2. five years           3. seven-book


4. good and evil         5. made up            6. published


7. influenced           8. share




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