大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第三册 Unit 04

  • Unit 04 : The Business World > Listening and Watching > Listening
    You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than three words).
  • The questions and incomplete answers are printed in the textbook for your reference.
    1. Is it easy to have your own business?
    No. Having my own business is  work, but it can be  .
    2. What is the first step in starting a small business?
    The first step is to have  ideas.
    3. What does a person need to do in the market survey if she or he plans to start a business?
    In the market survey, the person who plans to start a business needs to find out the potential  and check out  .
    4. What should a business plan include?
    A business plan should include  will be sold,  it will be sold,  the customers will be, and how much it will cost to start.
    5. How do you know you have made a profit once your business is up and running?
    I’ve made a profit if I have money left after my  are paid.
  • 正确答案:1. hard, rewarding   2. innovative   3. customers, competition   4. what, how, who   5. expenses
  • Script:
    Having your own business is hard work, but it can be rewarding. Here are some tips for starting a small business.
    Step 1: Have innovative ideas. Suppose you like dogs and have free time. Why not start a dog-walking service?
    Step 2: Do a market survey. Find out your potential customers. Also, check out competition. If there’s another dog-walking service nearby, you have a smaller chance.
    Step 3: Draw up a business plan that includes what will be sold, how it will be sold, who the customers will be, and how much it will cost to start.
    Step 4: Contact potential customers. Then, set a work schedule for yourself. Finally, you must actually start walking dogs!
    Step 5: Once your business is up and running, observe how it’s doing. If you have money left after your expenses are paid, you’ve made a profit. Congratulations!


  • Unit 04 : The Business World > Text Study > Text A
  • A Smart Move or an Error
  • The Story of the New Coke
1     In May 1985, the Coca-Cola Company made a big marketing error. After ninety-nine successful years, it threw away its original formula Coke!In its place came New Coke with a sweeter, smoother taste. The company announced the new taste with much advertising.
2     At first, New Coke sold well. But sales soon went flat. Coke began receiving more than fifteen hundred phone calls and many bags of mail each day from angry consumers.A group called Old Cola Drinkers protested and threatened to start a suit unless Coca-Cola brought back the old formula or made it public.
3     In mid-July, after just two months, the Coca-Cola Company brought old Coke back. Called Coke Classic,it was sold side by side with New Coke on supermarket shelves. The company said that New Coke would be its main brand, but consumers had a different idea. By the end of 1985, Classic was outselling New Coke in supermarkets by two to one.Thus Coke Classic became the company’s main brand.
4     Why was New Coke introduced in the first placeWhat went wrongMany analysts blame the error on poor marketing research.
5     In the early 1980s, though Coke was still the leading soft drink, it was slowly losing market share to Pepsi. For years, Pepsi had successfully started the “Pepsi Challenge,” and a series of taste tests showed that consumers preferred the sweeter taste of Pepsi.By early 1985, though Coke led in the overall market, Pepsi led in share of supermarket sales by 2 percent.This 2 percent of the big soft-drink market means millions of dollars in retail sales! Coca-Cola had to do something to stop this. The solution appeared to be a change in Coke’s taste.
6     Coca-Cola began the largest new-product research project in the company’s history. It spent over two years and millions of dollars on research. It conducted about two hundred thousand taste tests. In the blind tests 60 percent of consumers chose the new Coke over the old, and 52 percent chose it over Pepsi.Research seemed to show that New Coke would be a winner and the company introduced it with confidence. So what happened?
7     Looking back, Coke’s marketing research appears to have been too narrow. The research looked only at taste; it did not explore how consumers felt about dropping the old Coke and replacing it with the new Coke. The research consisted mostly of “blind comparisons” and did not look at the total product: name, history, packaging, and image. To many people, Coke, like hot dogs and apple pie, is a typical American product.The company failed to consider the people’s emotions about Coke.
8     Perhaps Coke’s managers used poor judgment. For example, they overlooked the fact that 40 percent still wanted the old Coke.The company might have been wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension.Furthermore, the new Coke should not have gone national immediately. Instead, it should have been introduced regionally to see how well it would do.
9     However, some observers thought that Coke’s managers had made a smart decision. Supermarkets would have resisted adding another Coke flavor on their shelves. By first taking away its original Coke and then bringing it back again, the company got two brands on the shelf, really a clever trick in the struggle for shelf space.
  • 是妙招还是失误?
  • ——新可乐的故事
  • 1    1985年5月,可口可乐公司在市场营销上犯了一个大错。在1999年的成功之后,该公司居然丢弃了其产品原配方,以口味更加甜爽的新可乐取而代之。接着,该公司又耗巨资为新口味可乐打广告。
  • 2    起初,新可乐销路不错,但不久便一蹶不振。公司每天都能接到1,500多个愤怒的顾客打来的电话和成包的信件。一个叫“老可乐一族”的团体发出抗议,并威胁说,除非可口可乐公司恢复或公开老配方,否则该团体将提起诉讼。
  • 3    3仅仅两个月过后,到6月中旬,可口可乐公司便又恢复了老可乐的生产,并称之为“经典可乐”。新可乐和经典可乐并排摆在超市的货架上。可口可乐公司声称,新可乐是其主要品牌,但消费者却不这么认为。到1985年底,经典可乐在超市的销售额是新可乐的两倍,成了可口可乐公司的主要品牌。
  • 4    4当初新可乐为什么会被引入市场?哪里出问题了?很多分析人士认为,这是市场调研的失误。
  • 5    20世纪80年代初,可口可乐虽然是软饮料中的领头羊,但其市场份额渐渐受到了百事可乐的蚕食。几年来,百事可乐成功发起了对可口可乐的挑战。一系列的口味测试表明,消费者偏爱更甜一些的百事可乐。1985年初,虽然可口可乐的总市场销售额仍然领先,但百事可乐在超市销售额中却反超2%。在巨大的软饮料市场中,这2%的份额意味着千百万美元的零售额。可口可乐公司不得不采取措施,阻止这种势头。改变可口可乐的口味似乎是个办法。
  • 6    于是,可口可乐公司展开了公司历史上最大的一次新产品调研计划。该计划历时两年多,耗资千百万美元,进行了20多万次口味测试。在盲测中,60%的消费者选择的是新可乐而非老可乐,52%的人认为新可乐比百事可乐更好。调研结果似乎表明,新可乐将成为赢家,于是可口可乐公司充满信心地把新可乐推向市场。结果如何呢?
  • 7    回头看来,可口可乐公司的市场调研面似乎太窄,仅仅关注口味,而完全忽视了消费者对以新可乐代替老可乐的感受。同时,该调研主要是通过“盲试比对”进行的,忽视了对产品的名称、历史、包装、形象的整体考量。对许多人而言,可口可乐就像热狗和苹果馅饼一样,是地道的美国产品。该公司没有考虑到人们对可口可乐的感情。
  • 8    可口可乐公司的管理者们做出的判断也许是不明智的,比如,他们压根就没有考虑另外40%的消费者仍然需要老牌可乐。可口可乐公司如果聪明的话,应该不动老牌可乐,把新可乐当做延伸品牌推入市场。此外,新可乐不应该一下子在全国推广,而是应该首先在局部推广,了解市场的反应之后再说。
  • 9    然而,一些观察人士则认为,可口可乐公司的管理者们此举十分聪明。超市会对货架上再摆上一种口味的可乐有抵触。把原味可乐先撤走,然后再摆上货架,这样可口可乐公司在货架上就有了两个牌子的产品。在争抢货架空间的竞争中,这确实是个聪明的策略。

  • Unit 04 : The Business World > Key to Book Exercises

Text A / Comprehension

  1. Complete the following sentences according to the text, and then work with your partner and take turns asking and answering the questions orally.
  2. What was the big marketing error that the Coca-Cola Company made in May 1985?

 In May 1985, the Coca-Cola Company threw away its original formula Coke. In its place came New Coke.

  1. How did Old Cola Drinkers react to the new Coke?

They protested and threatened to start a suit unless Coca-cola brought back its old formula or made it public.

  1. In blind tests, how did the consumers like the new Coke in comparison with the old Coke and Pepsi?

In the blind tests,60 percent of consumers chose the new Coke over the old, and 52 percent chose it over Pepsi.

  1. What was the problem in Coke’s marketing research?

The problem was that the research did not explore how consumers felt about dropping the old Coke and replacing it with the new Coke. The research consisted mostly of “blind comparisons” and did not look at the total product: name, history, packaging, and image.

  1. Why did the observers still think that Coke’s managers had made a smart decision?

The observers thought that it was a smart move because by first taking away its original Coke and then bringing it back again, the company got two brands on the shelf, really a clever trick in the struggle for shelf space.

Choose the best answer for each of the following statements or questions according to the text.
Compared with Old Coke, New Coke was _______.


What happened in the Coke-Pepsi competition by early 1985?
Coke led the market by 2 percent.
Pepsi led the market by 2 percent.
Coke led the supermarket sales by 2 percent.
Pepsi led the supermarket sales by 2 percent.
What happened to the old Coke in the blind tests?
40 percent of consumers chose it over the new.
48 percent of consumers chose it over Pepsi.
60 percent of consumers chose it over the new.
52 percent of consumers chose it over Pepsi.
The error in Coke’s marketing research seems to be that _______.
it looked at the taste
it overlooked the total product
the researchers, rather than the consumers, did the “blind comparisons”
the researchers did not know that Americans like to eat hot dogs and apple pie together with Coke
Coke’s strategy might be considered a smart move because _______.
Coke’s managers were smart people
supermarkets knew what Coke wanted to do
Coke got two brands on the supermarket shelf
Coke successfully tricked Pepsi

Key: 1. A     2. D     3. A      4. B      5. C

Vocabulary Building / Exercises

  1. Match the words in the left-hand column with the Chinese meanings on the right.


  1. Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given words.
  2. The new Coke is _________ (smooth) in taste than Pepsi.
  3. Coke is still the _________(lead) soft drink today.
  4. She is an _________(emotion) person who often weeps.
  5. Within a few years of their________(introduce), CDs were outselling records.
  6. His plan is full of__________ (origin) ideas.
  7. People like _________ (advertising) that show women in offices, planes, and cars.
  8. Our teacher was invited to _________(judgment) a speech contest last week.
  9. I can _________(resistance) anything but temptation.


  1. smoother
  2. leading
  3. emotional
  4. introduction
  5. original
  6. advertisements
  7. judge
  8. resist

Grammar Tips / Exercises

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb “be.” Add auxiliary verbs to indicate tense when necessary.

  1. Therewere  some symptoms which the doctors noticed but just neglected.
  2. There  wasa man and two children in the car when the accident took place.
  3. Therewillbe  a lecture in this classroom this evening.
  4. Isthere any good news today?
  5. Is there anything in his room? Yes, therearetwo pieces of furniture in his room.

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.


Text B/Comprehension

  1. Answer the following questions according to the text.
  2. Who can make production and sales decisions in market economics?

In market economics, anyone(individual or company) can make production or sales decisions.

  1. In market economics, who sets the prices for products sold in stores?

  In market economics, the prices are not set by a government planning committee. Instead, every seller is free to raise or lower prices according to changing market conditions.

  1. What is the basic principle of market economics?

  The basic principle of market economics is the principle of individual freedom: freedom as a consumer to choose among competing products and services, freedom as a producer to start or expand a business, and freedom as a worker to choose a job or an employer.

  1. What’s the government’s role in a market economy?

 In a market economy, the government’s role is limited to providing what are known as “public goods” — such as defense, law and order, and education.

  1. What seem to be the opportunities that a market economy can offer?

  A market economy seems to offer greater opportunity for economic growth, technological progress and prosperity.

Decide if the following sentences are true or false according to the text. Write T for true or F for false.

F   1. The processes used to decide what products to make, how to make them, and what prices to charge for them are similar in different countries.

T    2. Market competition is one of the basic reasons why we have many different styles and brands of the same product to choose from in stores.

F    3. In market economics, prices for products sold in stores are set by a government planning committee.

T    4. If a product becomes very popular for a time, the price of such products will usually rise.

T    5. One of the basic principles of market economics is the freedom for a producer to start or expand a business.

T    6. In a market economy, the government still has a lot of important roles to play.

Comprehensive Exercises

Choose the best answer for each blank.

Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

sales              by              developing    developed
from             Chinese         for             on


Chinese automaker Geely plans to start selling cars in Britain by the end of next year, as the company seeks to expand its presence in developed markets. Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, which owns Swedish nameplate Volvo, will sell its EC7 car through a network of 30–40 dealerships around Britain, company spokesman Victor Yang said on Thursday. The four- and five-door cars will be priced from 10,000 pounds ($15,460) and will be distributed through Geely Auto UK.

Geely already exports vehicles to more than 40   developing countries in eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia. The move highlights the growing global ambitions of Chinese automakers such as Geely, which bought Volvo from US auto giant Ford for $1.5 billion in 2010, less than a quarter of what Ford paid for the company in 1999.

Geely has become one of China’s largest private carmakers since launching its auto manufacturing business in 1997. It has an annual production capacity of 300,000 cars and hopes to boost sales to two million by 2015.

Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases given.

  1. 我们必须仔细观察市场的变化。(observe)

We must carefully observe the changes in the market.

  1. 我们打算下个星期在报纸上为新产品做个广告。(advertise)

We plan to advertise our new product in the newspaper next week.

  1. 中国正想尽一切办法把新技术引到西部去。(introduce)

China is trying every means to introduce new technologies to its western part.

  1. 服务业已成为中国经济的重要组成部分。(service)

The service industry has become an important part of the Chinese economy.

  1. 他在公司里的作用越来越重要。(play a role in)

He plays a more and more important role in the company.

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

  1. In the early 1980s, though Coke was still the leading soft drink, it was slowly losing market share to Pepsi.


  1. In the blind tests, 60 percent of consumers chose the new Coke over the old, and 52 percent chose it over Pepsi.


3.The company might have been wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension.


  1. In market economics, anyone — individual or company — can make production and sales decisions.


  1. In a market economy, the government still has a role to play, but the government’s role is limited to providing what are known as “public goods” — such as defense, law and order, and education. The government’s role in a free market economy also includes protecting private property and regulating certain economic activities. Generally speaking, the government plays a very important role in solving problems such as inflation, unemployment, and poverty.


Practical Reading and Writing / Exercises

  1. Complete the answer (in no more than three words) to each of the following questions.
  2. Where is this memo from?

This memo is from the administrative office .

  1. What is the subject of the memo?

This memo is about a meeting to discuss the quality control program.

  1. Who should attend the meeting?

All department heads should be present at the meeting.

  1. When will the meeting be held?

The meeting will be held at 2 p. m. on May 7th (Tuesday).

  1. What should the department heads do when they attend the meeting?

The department heads are each required to hand in a written proposal .

You are required to write a memo according to the following information given in Chinese. You are to write no less than 60 words.


  1. 会议时间:2013年6月5日(星期三)晚上7:00
  2. 会议地点:公司办公大楼217室
  3. 会议内容:讨论2013年下半年新员工招聘计划
  4. 出席人员:各部门经理
  5. 要求:每人准备一份本部门招聘计划

Words for Reference

人事部 Human Resource Department

招聘计划 recruitment plan

新员工 new employees


Sample answer:

Text A / Comprehension

  1. Complete the following sentences according to the text, and then work with your partner and take turns asking and answering the questions orally.
  2. What was the big marketing error that the Coca-Cola Company made in May 1985?

 In May 1985, the Coca-Cola Company threw away its original formula Coke. In its place came New Coke.

  1. How did Old Cola Drinkers react to the new Coke?

They protested and threatened to start a suit unless Coca-cola brought back its old formula or made it public.

  1. In blind tests, how did the consumers like the new Coke in comparison with the old Coke and Pepsi?

In the blind tests,60 percent of consumers chose the new Coke over the old, and 52 percent chose it over Pepsi.

  1. What was the problem in Coke’s marketing research?

The problem was that the research did not explore how consumers felt about dropping the old Coke and replacing it with the new Coke. The research consisted mostly of “blind comparisons” and did not look at the total product: name, history, packaging, and image.

  1. Why did the observers still think that Coke’s managers had made a smart decision?

The observers thought that it was a smart move because by first taking away its original Coke and then bringing it back again, the company got two brands on the shelf, really a clever trick in the struggle for shelf space.

  1. Choose the best answer for each of the following statements or questions according to the text.
  2. Compared with Old Coke, New Coke was _______.
  3. smoother


  1. original
  2. cheaper
  3. What happened in the Coke-Pepsi competition by early 1985?
  4. Coke led the market by 2 percent.
  5. Pepsi led the market by 2 percent.
  6. Coke led the supermarket sales by 2 percent.
  7. Pepsi led the supermarket sales by 2 percent.
  8. What happened to the old Coke in the blind tests?
  9. 40 percent of consumers chose it over the new.
  10. 48 percent of consumers chose it over Pepsi.
  11. 60 percent of consumers chose it over the new.
  12. 52 percent of consumers chose it over Pepsi.
  13. The error in Coke’s marketing research seems to be that _______.
  14. it looked at the taste
  15. it overlooked the total product
  16. the researchers, rather than the consumers, did the “blind comparisons”
  17. the researchers did not know that Americans like to eat hot dogs and apple pie together with Coke
  18. Coke’s strategy might be considered a smart move because _______.
  19. Coke’s managers were smart people
  20. supermarkets knew what Coke wanted to do
  21. Coke got two brands on the supermarket shelf
  22. Coke successfully tricked Pepsi

Key: 1. A     2. D     3. A      4. B      5. C

Vocabulary Building / Exercises

  1. Match the words in the left-hand column with the Chinese meanings on the right.


  1. Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given words.
  2. The new Coke is _________ (smooth) in taste than Pepsi.
  3. Coke is still the _________(lead) soft drink today.
  4. She is an _________(emotion) person who often weeps.
  5. Within a few years of their________(introduce), CDs were outselling records.
  6. His plan is full of__________ (origin) ideas.
  7. People like _________ (advertising) that show women in offices, planes, and cars.
  8. Our teacher was invited to _________(judgment) a speech contest last week.
  9. I can _________(resistance) anything but temptation.


  1. smoother
  2. leading
  3. emotional
  4. introduction
  5. original
  6. advertisements
  7. judge
  8. resist

Grammar Tips / Exercises

  1. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verb “be.” Add auxiliary verbs to indicate tense when necessary.
  2. Therewere  some symptoms which the doctors noticed but just neglected.
  3. There  wasa man and two children in the car when the accident took place.
  4. Therewillbe  a lecture in this classroom this evening.
  5. Isthere any good news today?
  6. Is there anything in his room? Yes, therearetwo pieces of furniture in his room.


  1. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
  2. There ________ water left in the bottle.
  3. aren’t any
  4. aren’t some
  5. isn’t any
  6. isn’t some
  7. There ________ beer if you wait a moment.
  8. can be
  9. must be
  10. might be
  11. are
  12. There ________ great changes in my hometown since 2008.
  13. have been
  14. are
  15. were
  16. could be
  17. There ________ an apple, an orange, and a banana on the table.
  18. is
  19. are
  20. were
  21. being
  22. There ________ in making the same suggestion again.
  23. is no point
  24. is no doubt
  25. are no points
  26. are no doubts

Text B/Comprehension

  1. Answer the following questions according to the text.
  2. Who can make production and sales decisions in market economics?

In market economics, anyone(individual or company) can make production or sales decisions.

  1. In market economics, who sets the prices for products sold in stores?

  In market economics, the prices are not set by a government planning committee. Instead, every seller is free to raise or lower prices according to changing market conditions.

  1. What is the basic principle of market economics?

  The basic principle of market economics is the principle of individual freedom: freedom as a consumer to choose among competing products and services, freedom as a producer to start or expand a business, and freedom as a worker to choose a job or an employer.

  1. What’s the government’s role in a market economy?

 In a market economy, the government’s role is limited to providing what are known as “public goods” — such as defense, law and order, and education.

  1. What seem to be the opportunities that a market economy can offer?

  A market economy seems to offer greater opportunity for economic growth, technological progress and prosperity.

  1. Decide if the following sentences are true or false according to the text. Write T for true or F for false.

F   1. The processes used to decide what products to make, how to make them, and what prices to charge for them are similar in different countries.

T    2. Market competition is one of the basic reasons why we have many different styles and brands of the same product to choose from in stores.

F    3. In market economics, prices for products sold in stores are set by a government planning committee.

T    4. If a product becomes very popular for a time, the price of such products will usually rise.

T    5. One of the basic principles of market economics is the freedom for a producer to start or expand a business.

T    6. In a market economy, the government still has a lot of important roles to play.

Comprehensive Exercises

  1. Choose the best answer for each blank.
  2. I ________ traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.
  3. used to
  4. am used to
  5. use to
  6. are use to
  7. He is the right person to ________ my job while I am away.
  8. take off
  9. take in
  10. take over
  11. take away
  12. This news report ________ fact.
  13. based entirely on
  14. is based entirely on
  15. based entirely to
  16. is based to entirely
  17. The ________ for independence was long and hard.
  18. right
  19. effort
  20. struggle
  21. fate
  22. It ________ more to live in the city.
  23. costs
  24. expands
  25. spends
  26. buys
  27. We must ________ the feelings of other people.
  28. prevent
  29. consider
  30. think
  31. see
  32. This is ________ nice evening!
  33. so a
  34. such a
  35. such
  36. so
  37. ________ room this is!
  38. What a small
  39. How a small
  40. What small
  41. How small


  1. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
sales              by              developing    developed
from             Chinese         for             on


Chinese automaker Geely plans to start selling cars in Britain by the end of next year, as the company seeks to expand its presence in developed markets. Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, which owns Swedish nameplate Volvo, will sell its EC7 car through a network of 30–40 dealerships around Britain, company spokesman Victor Yang said on Thursday. The four- and five-door cars will be priced from 10,000 pounds ($15,460) and will be distributed through Geely Auto UK.

Geely already exports vehicles to more than 40   developing countries in eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Southeast Asia. The move highlights the growing global ambitions of Chinese automakers such as Geely, which bought Volvo from US auto giant Ford for $1.5 billion in 2010, less than a quarter of what Ford paid for the company in 1999.

Geely has become one of China’s largest private carmakers since launching its auto manufacturing business in 1997. It has an annual production capacity of 300,000 cars and hopes to boost sales to two million by 2015.


  1. Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases given.
  2. 我们必须仔细观察市场的变化。(observe)

We must carefully observe the changes in the market.

  1. 我们打算下个星期在报纸上为新产品做个广告。(advertise)

We plan to advertise our new product in the newspaper next week.

  1. 中国正想尽一切办法把新技术引到西部去。(introduce)

China is trying every means to introduce new technologies to its western part.

  1. 服务业已成为中国经济的重要组成部分。(service)

The service industry has become an important part of the Chinese economy.

  1. 他在公司里的作用越来越重要。(play a role in)

He plays a more and more important role in the company.

  1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
  2. In the early 1980s, though Coke was still the leading soft drink, it was slowly losing market share to Pepsi.


  1. In the blind tests, 60 percent of consumers chose the new Coke over the old, and 52 percent chose it over Pepsi.


3.The company might have been wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension.


  1. In market economics, anyone — individual or company — can make production and sales decisions.


  1. In a market economy, the government still has a role to play, but the government’s role is limited to providing what are known as “public goods” — such as defense, law and order, and education. The government’s role in a free market economy also includes protecting private property and regulating certain economic activities. Generally speaking, the government plays a very important role in solving problems such as inflation, unemployment, and poverty.


Practical Reading and Writing / Exercises

  1. Complete the answer (in no more than three words) to each of the following questions.
  2. Where is this memo from?

This memo is from the administrative office .

  1. What is the subject of the memo?

This memo is about a meeting to discuss the quality control program.

  1. Who should attend the meeting?

All department heads should be present at the meeting.

  1. When will the meeting be held?

The meeting will be held at 2 p. m. on May 7th (Tuesday).

  1. What should the department heads do when they attend the meeting?

The department heads are each required to hand in a written proposal .


  1. You are required to write a memo according to the following information given in Chinese. You are to write no less than 60 words.


  1. 会议时间:2013年6月5日(星期三)晚上7:00
  2. 会议地点:公司办公大楼217室
  3. 会议内容:讨论2013年下半年新员工招聘计划
  4. 出席人员:各部门经理
  5. 要求:每人准备一份本部门招聘计划

Words for Reference

人事部 Human Resource Department

招聘计划 recruitment plan

新员工 new employees


Sample answer:

圆角矩形: Memo To: Department heads From: Human Resource Department Date: May 20, 2013 Subject: Recruitment plan for the second half of 2013 A meeting to discuss plans for recruiting new employees for the second half of 2013 is to be held at 7 p.m. on June 5th (Wednesday) in Room 217 of the Office Building. All department heads are requested to be present and hand in for discussion recruitment plans for their respective departments.



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