大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第三册 Unit 01

  • Unit 01 : The Information Age > Listening and Watching > Listening
    You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than three words). The questions and incomplete answers are printed in the textbook for your reference.
    1. What is the Internet?
  • The Internet is a  that connects millions of computers worldwide.
    2. What can we do with the Internet?
    The Internet helps many people communicate, work, learn, and  .
    3. How do people view websites?
    People view websites using  called Internet browsers.
    4. What makes using the Internet quicker and easier?
    Advances in  make using the Internet quicker and easier.
    5. What is happening when more and more people use the Internet?
    As more and more people use the Internet, the  grows.
  • 正确答案:1. network   2. have fun   3. computer programs   4. technology   5. quantity of information
  • Script:
    The Internet is a network that connects millions of computers worldwide. It was one of the greatest inventions in human history. Today the Internet helps many people communicate, work, learn, and have fun.
    Information on the Internet is arranged in websites or webpages. People view websites using computer programs called Internet browsers. People create websites using a computer language called HTML. Browsers read the computer language and allow people to view websites on the computer. Each website has its own Internet address.
    Since its beginnings, the Internet has changed to keep up with the demands of its users. Advances in technology make using the Internet quicker and easier. And as more and more people use the Internet, the quantity of information grows.


  • Unit 01 : The Information Age > Text Study > Text A
  • Crazy Instant Messaging
1     Think fast! Translate this conversation into formal English. “Wass^?” “N2M, U?” “JC.” “G2G. BFN.”Confused?Your dictionary won’t help you, but our word list will (See the instant messaging Glossary on Page 6).
2     If you understood it right away, you are probably among the 60% of children online who use instant messaging, or IM. Yahoo, MSN and AOL offer software that allows users to have real-time conversations in text windows online.Instant messages are typed so fast that users don’t slow down to change into capital letters, add punctuation, or write complete words.As a result, new word abbreviations and IM slang are being made up faster than a high-speed modem.
3     Keyboard Nation
4     typical instant-messaging conversation lasts more than a half hour, includes three or more friends and often includes friends from different places. More than one in three IM users say they use it every day. Nearly half of online teenagers believe that the Internet has improved their friendships. It’s a quick, easy way to keep in touch.
5     Twelve-year-old Gabbi Lewin said that she’s on instant messenger almost every day. She says that without it,“there would be no way to communicate. Our parents are on the phone all the time.”
6     Thirteen-year-old Steven Mintz likes messaging better than the phone “because I can talk to more people at once.”Chatting online is also a good way to keep up with friends who live far away. Children don’t have to worry about the phone bill.
7     Wrong Message?
8     Instant messaging does not always help develop a friendship. Sometimes, children use it to show angry feelings. Such children aren’t really trying to be mean. Often it’s just easier to say something online than in person. Eleven year-old Oliver Davies says, “I can express my feelings more easily with IM, without the guilty feeling of saying it face to face.”
9     Many parents and teachers think children’s instant messaging habits are taking their attention away from more important things.Julia Long says that when her son, Taylor, 13,“is waiting for a beep, it’s hard (for him) to stay focused on homework or any kind of family activity.”
10     Teachers get upset when Internet slang and emoticons (faces made with punctuation marks) appear in children’s writing. Words that have troubled young writers, including “its” and “it’s,” now have been joined by “u, ” “r” and “wuz.”
11     Children’s safety may also be a problem.Staying connected is fine, but an online friendship with a stranger is not.Many parents monitor instant messaging, either by limiting time online or by keeping the computer in a common area.
12     I’M Not So Bad
13     Researchers who study children and the Internet say instant messaging isn’t getting in the way of real life. They note that new technology often produces old fears.”It’s similar to what was said in the 1980s about video games and in the 1960s about television. There was this worry that children would do nothing else.”
14     Even parents and teachers who don’t like IM have to admit that at least children are writing. And their typing skills are improving. Is it at the expense of proper English? “Not so long as they learn the difference between formal and conversational English,”says Naomi Baron, a professor of linguistics.
15     “Language has always changed, and it always will,”says Baron.“It must change as the things we do and the things we meet change.”That’s good news!
  • 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第三册



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