大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第二册 Unit 04

大学英语 新标准高职实用综合教程(第2版)第二册 Unit 04



  • 在购物中心购物
1      下周我要参加一次生日聚会,我需要一件新衣服,所以我在午餐时间去了购物中心。该购物中心有  各种各样  的商店,包括两家  百货商店,  所以我确定会找到合适的东西。我 在停车场结构中找到了一个  空间,然后从正门进入了购物中心。 就在美食广场旁。
2      好,从哪里开始?
3      我    了两家百货公司之一。在那条路上,我在一家女装  店的橱窗里看到一件漂亮的裙子  。我决定进去。走进去的时候,我看到一个售货员把   一些衬衫在  架子上 她说:“嗨,我能帮您找到什么吗?”
4      “哦,我只是在  浏览,”我说。
5      “好吧。让我知道您是否需要任何帮助。”  我对她说“谢谢”,然后开始环顾商店。  架子上有一些漂亮的毛衣  折叠着,架子上有一些裤子。 我朝商店的后面走去,发现橱窗里看到的那件衣服。而且,它正在  销售中!折扣了50%。我开始寻找自己的  尺码。有很多大小的东西,但没有  中等大小的东西
6      当时销售人员正在路过,所以我问她:“后面还有其他尺寸吗?”  但是,我很走运。 这就是他们所拥有的。
7      “但是,”她说,“我这件衣服在媒体和它已经  打上  了下来,太。我说我做到了,  然后跟着  她到更衣室。她说:“我叫谢丽尔。让我知道您是否还有其他需要。”  我试穿了这件衣服,很合身。 我也喜欢这种颜色。
8      我把衣服拿到了收银台。 售货员问:“您准备好了吗?”我告诉她我已经来了,她开始我打电话  。 店员告诉我  总数,  并问我:“您想如何付款?”
9      “用我的万事达卡,”我说并把信用卡交给了她。
10     She processed the card and asked me to sign the credit card receipt. She handed me a copy and a bag with my new dress in it. She said, “There you go. I hope you like the dress. Thanks for coming in.”
11     I thanked her and left. I couldn’t believe I got my shopping done so quickly.There’s a first time for everything.
  • 一次商场购物经历
  • 1    我想买条新裙子,因为下周要参加一个生日聚会,所以趁午饭时间我去了趟购物中心。购物中心里有很多店铺,包括两家大百货公司,所以我想我一定可以在这里买到自己想要的东西。我找到车位停好车,便从大门走进购物中心,这里正好临近美食广场。
  • 2    行,从哪儿开始逛呢?
  • 3    我朝其中一家百货公司走去。路上,我看见一家女装店的橱窗里展示着一件漂亮的裙子。我决定进去看看。进去时,一个售货员正在挂衣服。她问道,“您好,需要买什么吗?”
  • 4    “我就看看。” 我说道。
  • 5    “如果需要什么的话,告诉我一声。” 我向她道了声谢,便开始在店里搜寻。展板上有一些折叠起来的漂亮毛衣,架子上是些裤子。我往店里面走去,找到了刚才在橱窗里看到的那条裙子,而且还打对折。我开始寻找适合我的尺寸,但只有大号和小号,没有中号的。
  • 6    售货员正好从我身边经过,我便问道,“还有别的尺寸吗?” 不巧的是,没有中号的。
  • 7    “不过,” 她说道,“这有一条中号的裙子,而且也打折的。您要试下吗?” 我说想试下,便跟着她去了试衣间。她说,“我叫谢丽儿。如果需要别的东西,请告诉我一声。” 我试了下那件裙子,非常合适。我也很喜欢这个颜色。
  • 8    我把这件裙子拿到收银台。售货员问道,“都买好了吗?” 我告诉她好了,她便开始结账。她告诉我总价,然后问道,“您打算如何付款?”
  • 9    我把信用卡交给她,说道,“用万事达卡付款。”
  • 10    她刷了下卡,让我在收据上签字。然后给了我一张收据,并把裙子装在袋子里递给我说,“请拿好。希望您喜欢。谢谢光临!”
  • 11   我向她道了谢,便离开了。我没想到这次购物竟然这么快。凡事都有第一次。

  • Unit 04 : Daily Shopping > Listening and Watching > Listening
    A. Choose the best answer according to what you hear.


  • 正确答案:1. C   2. A   3. B   4. C   5. D
  • Script:
    1. M: Are you ready to go shopping?
    W: Just a minute. I need to make a list of things that we need.
    Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?2. W: Is there anything that I’ve forgotten to buy?
    M: I think you’ve got everything.
    Q: What does the man mean?3. W1: What kind of dress are you looking for?
    W2: Since it’s getting warmer this time of the year, I want something lightweight.
    Q: When does the conversation most probably take place?4. M: Can you recommend me something that a boy of seven or eight will really like?
    W: I’d suggest this toy train, sir. It’s very popular these days.
    Q: Why does the woman suggest a toy train?5. M: Could you help me? I bought this suit yesterday, and I’m trying to find a tie that would go well with it.
    W: Does this pattern interest you?
    Q: What does the man want to buy?

    B. Fill in the blanks of the following passage according to what you hear.
  • 正确答案:1. spends   2. to buy food   3. for a while   4. outside   5. Frequently

Text A / Comprehension
Complete the following sentences orally according to the text.
1. Why did the author go to the mall?
The author went to the mall to buy a new dress .
2. Where was the main entrance?
It was right next to the food court .
3. What did the author see in a women’s clothing store?
The author saw a nice dress .
4. How much off was the dress the author found?
It was 50% off.
5. How did the author pay for the dress?
The author paid with her MasterCard .

Vocabulary Building / Exercises
A. Match the words in the left-hand column with the Chinese meanings on the right.

B. Fill in each of the following blanks with the proper form of the given words.
1.AfterI paid for the dress, the salesgirl forgot to give me a receipt (receive).
2.What’s the total (totally)money you paid for the books?
3.I need bo buy a dressing (dress)table for the new house.
4.It is not easy to find the entrance (enter)to the museum.
5.Peter handed (hand)a little box of chocolate to me.
6.There is no parking (park) space around this building.
7.I like the d variety (vary)of food that is available at the dining hall.
8.A new shopping (shop)center will be open next month.

Grammar Tips / Exercises
A. Complete the following sentences based on the information given in Chinese.
1. His coming (他的到来) surprised all of us.
2. My sister worried about not being able to pass the coming exam (通不过即将到来的考试).
3. This is the best answer known to us (我们所知道的).
4. Surprised by her words (她说的话让他很吃惊), he could not say a word at first.
5. He went out of the classroom, followed by his students (后面跟着他的学生).

B. Each of the following sentences contains ONE mistake. Find it out and correct it.
6. No one is allowed to speak aloud in the read room. (D, reading)
7. Frankly speaking, I can hardly bear him stay up so late. (C, staying up)
8. Those electing as committee members will attend the meeting. (B, elected)
9. With the work being done, they went out to play. (C, done)
10. All the tickets have been sold out, they went away disappointedly. (A, having been)

Text B / Comprehension
A. Answer the following questions according to the text.
1. Why is it convenient to do shopping online?
Because people can shop 24 hours a day, seven days a week .
2. What does a shopper need to do if he or she has a specific shopping plan?
He or she may use the search function .
3. What is the function of the “new arrivals” section?
The “new arrivals” section will allow you to see the latest products .
4. What is the use of coupons?
With coupons you can save money .
5. How early can delivery orders be placed?
Delivery orders can be placed up to almost three weeks in advance .

B. Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false according to the text. Write T if it is true, or F if false.
1. One usually does online shopping on a daily basis.
2. The manufacturer usually provides images for each item as well as nutritional information.
3. Customers can get coupons online.
4. First-time shoppers cannot pay by credit card.
5. The delivery fee varies according to the number of items one buys.
Key: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

Comprehensive Exercises
A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. From a very far place I could hear the ________ of my father.
A. tone
B. noise
C. sound
D. voice
2. The price of paper ________ according to its quality.
A. varies
B. falls
C. rises
D. exchanges
3. The young man fooled the old lady ________ saying that the product was imported.
A. around
B. by
C. in
D. on
4. Newspapers are expected to provide the ________ news.
A. latest
B. later
C. last
D. late
5. The new machine is easy to operate. ________ it is not very expensive.
A. Plus
B. For example
C. Again
D. Because
6. The river separates the school ________ his village.
A. to
B. from
C. with
D. By
7. I can hardly imagine ________ my old classmate on the street.
A. meet
B. to meet
C. met
D. meeting
8. I have no idea how the computer ________.
A. works
B. designs
C. goes
D. Affords

B. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

There is one big danger in supermarket shopping: there are thousands of items within hand’s reach on the shelves. The (1) wish to buy things you don’t really need or want can be very strong! Don’t be (2) fooled by the pictures on the boxes; for example, a box with a picture of beautiful chocolates on it may have chocolate cookies inside it.
When I’ve filled my basket and (3) checked my shopping list again to make sure I have everything I need, I go to a checkout counter. Here a cashier will look at the price marked on every item I buy, ring it up on the cash register, add sales tax, and (4) total up the bill. The register will show me the (5) amount I must pay. I sometimes complain about how high the prices are and then (6) hand my money to the cashier, while the groceries are being bagged. I count my (7) change and then head home.

C. Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases you have learned in this unit.
1. 网上购物对我来说是一种新的体验。(online)
Shopping online is a new experience to me.
2. 最低消费达到200元者可以获得优惠券。(minimum)
Coupons are made available to customers who spend a minimum of 200 yuan.
3. 这款品牌的手机很受年轻人的欢迎。(brand)
This brand of mobile phone is quite popular among youngsters.
4. 我终于说服爸爸给我买了一台中等大小的笔记本电脑。(medium)
I finally persuaded Dad into buying me a medium-sized laptop.
5. 购买冰箱者可以享受免费送货。(delivery)
Purchasers of refrigerators enjoy free delivery.
6. 付账时我忘了索要收据。(receipt)
I forgot to ask for a receipt when checking out.
7. 那家超市有很多商品正在打折销售。(on sale)
There are many goods on sale at that supermarket.
8. 我去超市买东西总共花去150元。(total)
The amount I spent in the supermarket came to a total of 150 Yuan.

D. Translate the following passage from Text B into Chinese.
You can order as many items as you would like at one time. There is a $50 minimum order size, and the average order has around 60 items on it. The delivery fee varies according to the amount of money spent. The customer can select the day and time the order is to be delivered. Delivery orders can be made up to almost three weeks in advance.

Practical Reading and Writing
A. Write your answer to each of the following questions.
(1) Why does Haining Restaurant remove itself in Sample 1?
Owing to the speedy expansion of its business.
(2) Where will its customers find it after the removal?
At 12 Beijing West Road, Xuanwu District.
(3) What did Huang lose in Sample 2?
A Playboy wallet.
(4) Where did he lose it?
On Renmin Square.
(5) What was in it?





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