大学英语[实用综合教程 学生用书 第二版]Unit 7(习题答案)

大学英语[实用综合教程 学生用书 第二版]Unit 7(习题答案)



2 “如果我吃少点,就可以减肥。”许多人只关注他们每天摄入的食物量,却不重视他们吃些什么。所以他们可能吃得少了,但吃的食物却不够健康。膳食一定要均衡,蔬菜、水果、肉类、牛奶、面包或米饭等都要有所摄取。你吃什么跟你吃多少一样重要。
3 “我只要跑步就可以减肥。”你需要做一些有氧运动以燃烧掉多余的脂肪,但是仅这类运动还不能帮助你减轻体重,你还必须做些举重练习以锻炼肌肉。如想获得最理想的效果,那这两类运动都得进行。
4 “如果我练肌肉,就会增重。”这是真的,肌肉比脂肪密度大,所以等量的肌肉比脂肪要重。但是肌肉所占的空间更少,所以如果脂肪能够转变成肌肉,你看上去会更显苗条、健美。
5 “电视里推荐的神奇饮食配方可以帮助我减肥。”这些广告都承诺对减肥有神奇的效果,但通常那些产品都与其承诺不符,甚至有危险性,所以别为这些浪费钱财了。
6 “某些奇特的运动器械比其他锻炼方法更消耗热量。”人们常常被这些运动器械的神奇效果所迷惑。不要被愚弄了,脂肪燃烧直接与某项活动所需的运动量相关。总体而言,一项运动越费劲就越能消耗热量。不管这器械有多么时髦或者昂贵,运动越剧烈,瘦身效果就越好。
7 那什么是保持身体健康、苗条的最佳方法呢?那就是健康饮食再加上平衡的有氧运动与肌肉运动。健康的生活方式应保持一辈子,而不仅仅是一小段时间。

Text A / Comprehension
A. Choose the best answer according to the text.

1. Many people want to lose weight so badly that they ________.
A. do fitness exercise every day B. eat very little
C. will believe any advice D. make sure they follow good advice
2. Eating less ________.
A. alone helps people keep fit B. does no good to health
C. is as important as eating healthily D. is the only way to lose weight
3. People need ________ to get the most effective results.
A. aerobic exercise B. weight lifting
C. both A and B D. neither A or B
4. If people succeed in building muscles they will look ________.
A. fatter B. thinner C. lighter D. denser
5. Miracle diets on TV ________.
A. are helpful to the loss of weight B. live up to their promises
C. are usually unreliable D. are expensive
Key: 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C

B. Complete the following sentences orally with your partner.

1. Why does the author warn against some of the fitness methods that have been passed around over the years?
They are in fact unhealthy and even dangerous .
2. What does a good balance of food include?
It includes vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, and bread or rice .
3. Does aerobic exercise alone help people get and keep fit? Why or why not?
No, it doesn’t . This is because you must also lift weights to build muscles .
4. Which is heavier, the same amount of muscle or fat? Why?
Muscle is heavier because muscle is denser than fat .
5. How can people get and keep fit?
They must eat healthily and have a good balance of aerobic and muscle building exercises.

C. Make a dialogue with your partner according to the situation described below.

A: Hello, this is Medicine and Health program. What can I do for you?
B: It’s about my weight. I have gained another 3 (etc.) pounds in the past three months! What can I do?
A: Have you done anything to control your weight?
B: Of course, I’ve tried many miracle diets. But they made me feel sick and soon I gave them up.
A: Oh, don’t believe those ads. These products don’t live up to their promises and can even be dangerous , so don’t waste your money on them.
B: After that, I tried to eat less. I ate only fruits (etc.) for breakfast, biscuits (etc.) for lunch and soup (etc.) for supper, but it made me so hungry and weak that I had to quit three days later.
A: It was wrong and even dangerous for you to eat so little every day. What you eat is just as important as how much you eat . Be sure to eat a good balance of different foods including vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, and bread or rice .
B: Mm, you’re right. I should not only focus on how much I eat but what I eat as well.
A: And exercise is also very important to help you get fit.
B: I hear that some fancy exercise machine can help me burn off my fat without tiring me out. I had intended to buy one, but they are so expensive.
A: You know what, fat burning is directly related to the amount of effort an activity requires . In general, the more difficult it feels, the more calories you burn . No matter how fancy or expensive the equipment is, the harder you work the better it is for your body shaping.
B: Thank goodness that I never got enough money for it. So what kind of exercise should I do?
A: Walking, jogging , and swimming will be good for you.
B: Oh, I know, the aerobic exercises.
A: Yes. But they are not enough. You need to lift weights to build muscles .
B: Muscles? But it is said that if people build muscles, they will gain weight .
A: That’s true. Muscle is denser than fat, so the same amount of muscle weighs more than fat . But muscle also takes up less space . When you replace fat with muscle , you will look thinner and better.
B: I see. So I should eat healthily and have a good balance of aerobic and muscle building exercises .
A: And most important of all, you should make your healthy lifestyle last for a whole lifetime , not just for a short while .
B: Yes, I will. Thank you very much.
A: It’s my pleasure .

Vocabulary Building / Exercises
A. Match each word with their proper Chinese meaning.

B. Fill in each blank with a given word or expression in their right form.

1. Our teacher introduced a new method of English learning to us.
2. Several families take in foreign students.
3. Can I have some extra time to finish my work?
4. We will live up to what our parents expect of us.
5. The doctor ordered him to go on a diet to lose weight.
6. I have little experience related to marketing.
7. This box weighs / weighed five kilograms.
8. Some animals get confused when they see their reflections in the mirror.

Grammar Tips / Exercises
A. Complete each sentence with the given verb in its proper tense.

1. Tom was playing (play) the violin when I entered the room.
2. Mr. Smith always wears (wear) a blue suit.
3. Mom is cooking (cook) our breakfast at the moment.
4. We are going (go) to the park now.
5. The sun is shining (shine) all day in summer.
6. My sister was writing (write) a letter when somebody dropped in on her.
7. We can’t help you, because we are having (have) classes.
8. It’s nine o’clock. My father is working (work) in the office.
9. When you knocked (knock) at the door yesterday, I was making (make) a model plane.
10. Mike and I were playing (play) basketball at that time yesterday afternoon.

B. Choose the best answer.

1. I ________ a meal when you ________ me.
A. cooked; were ringing B. was cooking; rang
C. was cooking; were ringing D. cooked; rang
2. He said he ________ to draw a plane on the blackboard at that time.
A. tries B. tried C. was trying D. will try
3. While she ________ TV, she ________ a sound outside the room.
A. was watching; was hearing B. watched; was hearing
C. watched; heard D. was watching; heard
4. They ________ a football game from 7 to 9 last night.
A. were watching B. watch C. watched D. are watching
5. What book ________ you ________ when I ________ you at four yesterday afternoon?
A. did; read; was seeing B. did; read; saw
C. were; reading; saw D. were; reading; was seeing
6. The reporter said that the UFO ________ from east to west when he saw it.
A. was traveling B. traveled C. had been traveling D. has traveled
7. When I arrived at his office, he ________ on the phone.
A. spoke B. was speaking C. had been speaking D. had spoken
8. Tom ________ into the house when no one ________.
A. slipped; was looking B. slipped; had looked
C. had slipped; looked D. was slipping; looked
9. She said she ________ a paper kite at 7:00 yesterday.
A. makes B. is making C. will make D. was making
10. I ________ on the phone when a friend arrived.
A. talked B. was talking C. talk D. is talking
Key: 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. A 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B

C. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese.

1. 我做作业时妈妈在做饭。
My mother was cooking while I was doing my homework.
2. 露西进来时他正在看电视。
He was watching TV when Lucy came in.
3. 他昨天下午两点到三点正在打篮球。
He was playing basketball from 2 to 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
4. 当我们到达山顶时,阳光普照。
When we reached the top of the mountain, the sun was shining .
5. 听,她正在唱英语歌。
Listen! She is singing an English song.

Text B / Comprehension
A. Complete the following answers according to the text.

1. Do many people walk to school or to work?
No, they don’t. Some people walk to work or to school . Many others, however, travel by bus, train or car .
2. Why do experts say walking is one of the best ways to stay healthy?
They say so because walking is the world’s most natural exercise . It strengthens muscles without stretching them too much . And it puts less pressure on bones and joints .
3. How can we walk most effectively?
We should keep our head high and our back straight .
4. How is walking good to people’s health?
It is good not only for your body but also for your mood .
5. How long did the pleasant feeling last after the students returned from a fast walk?
It lasted at least one hour .

B. Read the sentences below and decide if they are true or false according to the text. Write T for true or F for false.

1. Walking is the most natural exercise in the world.
2. Many foreign people go on a fast and short walk a few times each week.
3. You can walk in any way you like in fitness walking.
4. People feel less tired and more energetic after fitness walking.
5. Walking can solve people’s problems.
Key: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F

Comprehensive Exercises
A. Choose the best answer.

1. If you want to gain people’s respect, be sure to ________ your promises.
A. live through B. live up to C. live with D. live on
2. As the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So we should ________ work and play.
A. keep a good balance between B. both
C. better D. just
3. His talk ________ the problem of water pollution along the Yangtze River.
A. said B. focused on C. spoke D. improved
4. The wind is ________. Let’s ________ the fence before a storm comes.
A. strong; strengthen B. strengthen; strength
C. strength; strengthen D. strengthening; strong
5. While people may watch television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television ________ the newspaper completely.
A. replace B. have replaced C. replaced D. will replace
6. After he ________ some coffee, he sat down to ________ some reading.
A. did; do B. did; make C. made; make D. made; do
7. Your telephone number again? I ________ quite catch it.
A. didn’t B. wouldn’t C. don’t D. can’t
8. — I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.
— ________!
A. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come on D. Congratulations
9. — Nancy is not coming tonight.
— But she ________!
A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised
10. — Was Tom there when you arrived?
— Yes. But he ________ home soon afterwards.
A. had gone B. has gone C. is going D. went
Key: 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D
6. D 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. D

B. Fill in the blanks with the words given below

Be Tender to Your Feet
Feet carry us every day to the places we want to go. Taking good care of your feet means a lot to your health. Here are some suggestions for you to follow:
First, go to a good shoe store, and be properly fitted for your shoes. Buy the best-quality shoes you can afford. Second, walking barefoot helps exercise the foot muscles. Doing this in the sand on a warm day will strengthen your feet. What’s more, a daily foot bath can relax the feet. You may add a bit of essential oil to a basin of hot water. After staying in the water for 15 minutes, your feet will feel relaxed and strengthened. Another thing in foot health is to keep your feet warm . Keeping hands and feet warm can help maintain heat in the entire body.
Get into the habit of taking care of your feet, and you will be richly rewarded.

C. Translate the following sentences into English, using the given words or phrases.

1. 爸爸现在非常注意他的体重。(pay attention to)
My father now pays great attention to his weight.
2. 如果你要保持健康,每天一定得摄入营养均衡的食物。(be sure to; a good balance of)
Be sure to eat a good balance of different foods if you want to stay healthy.
3. 有氧运动适合许多人。(be fit for)
Aerobic exercise is fit for many people.
4. 我爷爷和奶奶的身体很好。他们还时不时地外出旅游。(from time to time)
My grandparents are quite healthy and they travel from time to time.
5. 专家们认为保健步行在许多方面有益于健康。(in many ways)
Experts believe that fitness walking is good for health in many ways.

D. Translate the following passage from Text A into Chinese.

“If I just eat less, I will lose weight.” Many people only focus on the amount of food they take in each day. They don’t pay attention to what they’re eating. So they may be eating less, but they’re not eating healthily. Be sure to eat a good balance of different foods, including vegetables, fruits, meat, milk, and bread or rice. What you eat is just as important as how much you eat.

Practical Reading and Writing
A. Read the three plans above and write the answers to the questions.

1. What does Elaine Wu do?
Elaine Wu is a journalist for the Travelogue program on CCTV 9.
2. What is she going to do on Nov. 22?
She is going to explore places of interest in Lhasa on Nov. 22.
3. Where is the Yellow Crane Tower?
The Yellow Crane Tower is in Wuhan.






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