大学英语[实用综合教程 学生用书 第二版]Unit 6 (习题答案)

大学英语[实用综合教程 学生用书 第二版]Unit 6



4 “但是,先生,我会卖力干活的。我是乡下来的,不怕苦也不怕累。我可以干两天作为试用期,不要钱。”
5 听到我这些话,老板转过身来,“我想找个不仅干活卖力而且讲卫生的男孩,这可是家餐馆,但你看看你的手和衣服。”
6 老板说得很对,我是应该让自己看起来干干净净的,可找工作累了一天,我看上去真的很糟糕。 “噢,先生,我会保持好个人卫生的,我也保证我会卖力干活,只要你肯给我这个机会。”
7 “好吧,好吧,我就让你试一试。”
8 我的心狂跳了起来。我低下头,感激地说:“谢谢你,先生!”然后心里暗想:“谢天谢地啊!”

Text A / Comprehension
A. Choose the best answer according to the text.

1. The writer wanted to find a part-time job because ________.
A. he was in need of a computer
B. he didn’t have enough money
C. his parents didn’t have much money
D. he wanted to gain work experience
2. When the writer entered the restaurant ________.
A. he was disappointed
B. he was tired and dirty
C. he was refused again
D. there were five other students
3. The boss required ________.
A. a clean boy
B. a hard-working boy
C. a clean and hard-working boy
D. a clever boy
4. The boss expected the writer to work ________ every day.
A. 2 hours
B. 3 hours
C. 4 hours
D. 5 hours
5. By the end of the story, ________.
A. the writer was employed by the boss
B. the boss agreed to give the writer a try
C. the writer was refused by the boss
D. the boss asked the writer to wait for his call
Key: 1.A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B

B. Complete the following sentences orally with your partner.

1. Why didn’t the writer ask his parents for money to buy a computer?
He didn’t do so because _________________________________________.
Key: it was already a heavy burden for his parents to support him
2. What would the boss do before he made a decision?
He would___________________________ before he made a decision.
Key: check the candidates’ references
3. Why did the writer consider the job good? He considered the job good because _____________________________. Besides, ____________________________________.
Key: the time slot was ideal; the restaurant wasn’t very far from his college
4. What did the writer say to persuade the boss to employ him?
The writer said to the boss, “___________________________________________”.
Key: Sir, I will do my best. I’m from the countryside and I’m good at hard work. And I can work two days for free as a trial
5. How did the writer feel when the boss finally agreed to give him a chance?
He felt _____________________________.
Key: excited and thankful.

C. Make a dialogue with your partner according to the situation described below.

W: Hello…
B: You are too late.
W: But sir, I’ll do my best. I’m from the countryside and I’m good at hard work. And I can work two days for free as a trial .
B: I want a boy who not only works hard but also keeps clean . Remember it is a restaurant. But look at your hands and clothes !
W: Yes, I’m not very clean now. But you know, I have been hunting for a job for a whole day .
B: Really? It is difficult to look for jobs nowadays.
W: Oh, sir, I’ll keep myself clean and tidy . I promise I will work very hard, sir, if only you could give me this chance .
B: All right, all right, I’ll give you a try .
W: Thank you, sir!
B: Leave me your telephone number and references . I need to have more personal information about you.
W: Oh, no problem. Here is my resume .
B: That’s good. Let’s see. You may come to work here the day after tomorrow .
W: All right! I will be here on time .
B: OK, you can go now.
W: Thanks again. See you the day after tomorrow .

Vocabulary Building / Exercises
A. Match each word with their proper Chinese meaning.

B. Fill in each blank with a given word or expression in their right form.

1. The train would pull out soon. We ran like mad to catch it.
2. My old grandmother has / had difficulty in remembering things.
3. The company employs / employed / has employed about 100 men.
4. She checked the letter before sending it.
5. We are not prepared to accept the big change in the plan.
6. It’s too late to go to the basketball match now; besides , it’s beginning to rain.
7. We’ve been hunting for the lost boy all over the town.
8. It’s a good habit to go for a walk after supper.

Grammar Tips / Exercises
A. Complete each sentence with the given verb in its indefinite tense.

1. Tom plays (play) football with his friends after school.
2. They read (read) stories every night before going to bed.
3. The classroom has (have) eight big windows.
4. Did you visit (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?
5. — Did he fly (fly) a kite on Sunday? — Yes, he did .
6. We went (go) strawberry picking in the spring break.
7. You will feel (feel) cold without an overcoat.
8. Her father is going to buy (buy) her a dress for her birthday.
9. You are to finish (finish) all the work by the end of today.
10. I will give (give) it to you as soon as he comes back.

B. Choose the best answer.

1. Where does your pen pal live?
A. No, she live in the country. B. She live in the city.
C. She lives in the city. D. She isn’t live near.
2. When does she go to work?
A. She go to work at 7. B. She goes to work at 7.
C. Yes, she does. D. She is goes at 7.
3. Does Peter go to school by subway?
A. No, he does. B. No, he doesn’t.
C. Yes, on foot. D. Yes, he is.
4. — Your city looks beautiful!
— Yes. Lots of trees and grass ________ last year.
A. are planted B. have planted
C. were planting D. were planted
5. The PLA ________ in 1927.
A. was found B. found C. was founded D. founded
6. — Did you win the basketball game?
— Bad luck. Our team ________ in the final round.
A. won B. beat C. were won D. were beaten
7. — What did you do last Saturday?
— I ________ my uncle.
A. visit B. will visit C. visited D. am visiting
8. — Let’s go out to play football, shall we?
— OK. I ________.
A. will coming B. be going to come
C. come D. am coming
9. It ________ us a long time to learn English well.
A. takes B. costs C. spends D. will spend
10. The train ________ at 11.
A. going to arrive B. will be arrive C. is going to D. is arriving

C. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese.

1. 父亲和孩子们每周日下午都去游泳。
The father as well as his children swims every Sunday afternoon.
2. 我乒乓球打得很好。
I play Ping-Pong quite well.
3. 他过去常在饭后散步。
He used to take a walk after dinner.
4. 爱迪生年少时只读了三个月的书。
In his boyhood Edison was in school for only three months.
5. 他回来我就告诉他这个消息。
When he comes back, I will tell him the news.

Text B / Comprehension
A. Choose the best answer according to the text.

1. College students begin to find summer jobs ________.
A. after the school year is over
B. long before the end of the school year
C. when the school year comes to an end
D. when the school opens
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way they look for jobs?
A. They write to companies.
B. They talk to employers.
C. They telephone businesses.
D. They ask friends to help them get a job.
3. Which summer jobs are considered a little special according to the text?
A. Lifeguard and climbing ranger.
B. Construction worker and park guide.
C. Ranch hand and climbing ranger.
D. Salesclerk and waiter.
4. Dody has worked at Yellowstone National Park for ________.
A. three years
B. three summers
C. three months
D. three weeks
5. Steve worked ________.
A. day and night
B. six days a week
C. on a sheep ranch
D. in a desert
Keys: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C

B. Read the sentences below and decide if they are true or false according to the text. Write T for true or F for false.

1. Typist, construction worker, salesclerk, lifeguard and waiter are common summer jobs for students.
2. Not many students do summer jobs during the summer vacation.
3. Both Bob and Steve work seven days a week in their summer jobs.
4. Bob works as head of a ranger station three days a week.
5. Steve’s task is to herd sheep (放羊) on a sheep ranch.
Keys: 1.F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5.F

Comprehensive Exercises
A. Choose the best answer.

1. The new student ________ well with other classmates.
A. got away B. got up C. got along D. got down
2. She ________ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.
A. looked up B. looked at C. picked out D. picked up
3. My friend Mary is becoming ________ in Chinese food.
A. more and less interested B. more and more interested
C. more and less interesting D. more and more interesting
4. — Waiter!
— ________
— I can’t eat this. It’s too salty.
A. Yes, sir? B. What? C. All right? D. Pardon?
5. All the members in our group ________ football.
A. likes B. do likes C. does likes D. like
6. The composition needs ________ before it is handed in.
A. to check B. checking C. checked D. check
7. The pen I am using now ________ my brother.
A. belongs to B. is belonged to C. belongs D. is belonging to
8. Do you usually go to see the doctor ________ or with your mother?
A. by himself B. alone C. lonely D. yourself
9. Mr. Brown caught several fish and then ________, which he thought was a good way to spend time.
A. set it away B. set it free C. put them away D. set them free
10. You didn’t need ________ him that secret, for he would learn about it soon anyway.
A. telling B. that you would tell C. to tell D. should tell

B. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
save pocket give types restaurant part

High School Students and Working
In the West, it is not uncommon for high school students to have a job. Teenagers like to take part in many expensive activities like sports, traveling and so forth, so they require more money than their parents would give them. To earn some extra money for their own expenses and also maybe to save some money for college or a car, they will try to find a part-time job. The types of work that are open to them usually include yard work, babysitting, bagging in a grocery store, working in a movie theater, working as a salesclerk, or working in a fast food restaurant like McDonald’s. By working in their free time, these students can make some pocket money, gain social experience and get better prepared for their future.

C. Translate the following sentences into English, using the given words or phrases.

1. 暑假里我在一家工厂打工,老板提供免费午餐。(free)
I worked at a factory during the summer vocation and the boss offered us free lunch.
2. 在公司里他负责维护网站。(in charge of)
He is in charge of the website in the company.
3. 这家餐厅需要招聘几个服务生。(be in need of)
The restaurant is in need of several waiters.
4. 我们在学校里读书,同时也做一些兼职,到商店或公司打工。(at the same time)
We study at school and at the same time we do some part-time jobs in some shops or companies.
5. 学生们常常靠做家教挣点钱。(work as; earn)
Students often earn some money by working as a tutor.

D. Translate the following passage from Text A into Chinese.

There were already four male candidates in the boss’s office. Obviously, the boss had difficulty in deciding whom he would employ because he said finally, “Well, I need to check your references before I can make a decision. I’ve got your telephone numbers and will call the boy I want. But remember whoever is going to be employed must be prepared to work here from 6:00 to 8:00 every evening. That’s all.”

Practical Reading and Writing / Exercises
A. Read the diary entries above and write the answers to the questions.

1. Where is Anne Frank from?
2. What does Anne think about when she looks up at the sky?
3. What does Linda Wu think is the most important thing when a person drives a car?
4. What does Li Gang and his aunt talk about?
5. Why did Li Gang’s sister fail in an interview?
1. She is from Holland.
2. When she looks up at the sky, she thinks that everything will change for the better, that the cruelty shall end and that peace will return once more.
3. Linda thinks that safety is the most important thing when a person drives a car.
4. They talks about how to find a good job.
5. She failed in it because of her bad English. She couldn’t speak English well.

B. Write a diary entry of 50 to 100 words to record your experience of doing a part-time job.

Reference answer:
Writer: Mary Yang, 19 years old, a freshman in a university in Hangzhou
Monday, August 3, 2011




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