大学英语[实用综合教程 学生用书 第二版]Unit 2(习题答案)

大学英语[实用综合教程 学生用书 第二版]Unit 2(习题答案)

  • Unit 02 : Friendship > Listening and Watching > Listening
    A. Choose the word you hear in each sentence.
    1. That’s a good ________.

    2. Give it to ________.

    3. ________ it up before you leave.

    4. It’s a big ________.

    5. Let me _________ the papers.

    6. Shall we _________ together?

    7. Helen has got the ________ today.

    8. Will you show me the _______ you bought yesterday?

    9. Is it _________ ?

    10. Pass me the __________ , please.
  • 正确答案:1. B   2. B   3. B   4. A   5. B   6. B   7. A   8. B   9. A   10. B
    B. Fill in the blanks of the following passage according to what you have just heard.
  •   00:00     


  • It’s hard to make friends if you stay home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will (1) you in touch with other people. Join a club or play a (2). Attend meetings of neighborhood associations or other groups. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar (3). Plan things to talk about with people. Find out what’s in the (4), listen to the top CDs, learn about what’s new with your favorite TV or movie star.
  • 正确答案:1. put   2. sport   3. interests   4. newspaper

  • Unit 02 : Friendship > Text Study > Text A



  • (请点击课文中绿色、蓝色部分或者任意句子进行学习。)
  • My Friend, the Telephone Operator
1     When I was quite young, my family had one of the first telephones in our neighborhoodSoon I discovered that somewhere inside that wonderful device lived an amazing person — her name was “Information Please” and there was nothing she did not know.My mother could ask her for anybody’s number; when our clock stopped, Information Please gave us the correct time at once.
2     One day while my mother was visiting a neighbor, I hit my finger with a hammer. The pain was terrible and there was no one home to offer sympathy.So I ran for the telephone and said “Information Please” into the mouthpiece. After a moment, a small, clear voice spoke into my ear: “Information.”
3     “I hurt my finger…” I cried into the phone.
4     “Isn’t your mother home?” came the question.
5     “Nobody’s home but me,” I sobbed.
6     “Are you bleeding?”
7     “No,” I replied, “I hit it with the hammer and it hurts.”
8     “Can you open your fridge?” she asked. I said I could. “Then break a little piece of ice and put it on your finger. That will stop the hurt. And don’t cry. You’ll be all right.”
9     After that, I called Information Please for everything. I asked her for help with my lessons. I even called her for comfort because my pet bird died. When I was nine, we moved from Seattle to Boston and I missed my friend deeply. Information Please belonged to the old home, and I never thought of trying the new phone on a small table in the hall.
10     Many years later, on my way to college, my plane landed at Seattle. At the airport, without thinking what I was doing, I dialed my hometown operator and said, “Information Please.”
11     Then I heard again the small, clear voice I knew so well: “Information.”
12     I hadn’t planned this, but I heard myself saying. “Could you tell me please, how to spell the word ‘fix’?”
13     There was a long pause. Then came the softly spoken answer. “I guess,” said she, “that your finger must have gotten better by now.”
14     I laughed. “So it’s really still you,” I said. “I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me during all that time.”
15     “I wonder,” she replied, “if you know how much you meant to me. I never had any children, and I used to look forward to your calls.”
  • Translation:
  • 电话接线员,我的朋友
  • 1    在我还很小的时候,家里有了所在街区的第一部电话。不久,我就发现那个奇妙的装置里住着个神奇的人——她的名字叫“请接查询台”。她简直无所不晓:妈妈要别人的电话号码会找她;家里的钟坏了,她会立刻给我们准确报时。
  • 2    一天,妈妈去邻居家串门了,我的手指让锤子砸了一下,疼得厉害,但家里没人安慰我。于是我就跑到电话旁,拿起话筒说,“请接查询台。”过了一会儿,一个细小清晰的声音传入了我的耳朵:“请问您要查询什么?”
  • 3    “我把手指弄伤了……”我对着电话哭了起来。
  • 4    “妈妈不在家吗?”电话里的声音问道。
  • 5    “就我一个人在。”我抽泣着。
  • 6    “流血了吗?”
  • 7    “没有,”我回答道,“我的手指让锤子砸到了,很疼。”
  • 8    “你能打开冰箱吗?”她问道。我回答说可以。“那就拿块冰敲碎,敷在手指上,这样就可以止痛了。不要哭,会没事的。”
  • 9    自那以后,凡事我都会打电话给“请接查询台”。功课上有困难我找她,甚至我的宠物小鸟死了,我也打电话给她寻求安慰。我九岁时全家从西雅图搬到了波士顿,我一直都很想念我的朋友。“请接查询台”是属于老家的记忆,我从来都没想到要用新居里小桌上的那部新电话拨打查询台。
  • 10    许多年以后,我去上大学,中途飞机停在了西雅图。在机场逗留的时候,我无意中拨通了老家的电话总机,说道:“请接查询台。”
  • 11    然后我听到了我熟悉的那个细小清晰的声音:“请问您要查询什么?”
  • 12    对此我毫无心理准备,但是我听到自己回答说:“请问‘安装’这个单词怎么写啊?”
  • 13    电话里出现了一段长时间的停顿,然后我听到电话那头一个轻柔的声音回答说,“我猜你的手指现在一定无恙了吧?”
  • 14    我笑了起来。“真的还是你啊,”我说道,“我在想,你知不知道在那一段日子里你对于我来说有多么重要。”
  • 15    “我也在想,你是否知道那个时候你对于我来说有多么重要。我没有小孩,那时一直都盼着你的电话。”她回答说。

  • Unit 02 : Friendship > Key to Book Exercises

Text A / Comprehension

  1. Choose the best answer according to the text.
  2. When the boy was young, he was amazed at an unknown voice in the telephone at home because ________.
  3. there was a person living in it
  4. they had one of the first telephones
  5. there was nothing the voice did not know
  6. people could talk over the telephone
  1. Information Please advised the boy to ________ to stop the pain.
  2. open the fridge
  3. take out some ice
  4. find his mother
  5. put a piece of ice on the wounded finger
  1. The boy called Information Please for information about many things except ________.
  2. the time of a party
  3. how to spell a word
  4. ways to feel comfortable
  5. how to do his lessons
  1. After the family moved to Boston, the boy ________.
  2. called Information Please again
  3. never thought of her again
  4. missed his friend deeply
  5. forgot his friend soon
  1. Arriving at the airport in Seattle, the boy, now a young man, called Information Please again to find ________.
  2. she no longer worked there
  3. she didn’t like his calls at all
  4. she had forgot all about him
  5. they both meant a lot to each other

Key: 1. C    2. D    3. A    4. C    5. D

  1. Complete the following sentences orally with your partner.
  2. Whatkind of service did Information Please offer to the family?

The writer’s  and when their clock stopped, she

at once.

Key: mother could ask her for anybody’s number; gave them the correct time

  1. What happened one day when the boy’s mother was out?

The boy with a .

Key: hit his finger; hammer

  1. Why did the boy call Information Please?

He called her because .

Key: the pain was terrible and there was no one at home to offer sympathy

  1. What kind of voice did Information Please have?

She had a and voice.

Key: smallclear

  1. When did the family move to Boston?

They moved to Boston when .

Key: the boy was nine

  1. Why was Information Please pleased when the boy called her many years later?

She was pleased .

  Key: because she had never had any children and used to look forward to the boy’s calls

  1. Make a dialogue with your partner according to the situation described below.
  2. Here is an imagined telephone conversation between the boy and Information Please. Fill in the blanks with what you and your partner think appropriate and be prepared to read the dialogue aloud in class. (“B” stands for the boy and “IP” for Information Please.)

B: Information Please ?

IP: Information.

B: I have a problem with my lessons. Can you help me ?

IP: Of course.

B: Do you know where the Great Wall is?

IP: It is in China .

B: Thank you so much!

IP: You’re welcome .

B: Goodbye!

IP: Bye-bye!

  1. Here is an imagined telephone conversation between the boy’s mother and Information Please. Fill in the blanks with what you and your partner think appropriate and be prepared to read the dialogue aloud in class. (M stands for the mother and IP for Information Please.)

M: Information Please ?

IP: Information.

M: Could you tell me the number of the railway station?

IP: Of course. The number is xxxxxxx .

M: Thanks a lot.

IP: You are welcome .

M: Bye-bye.

IP: Bye-bye.

Word Building / Exercises

  1. Match each word with their proper Chinese meaning.
  1. Fill in each blank with a given word or expression in their right form.
  2. The house hasbelonged to our family for a long time.
  3. There was apause in the talk when Mary came in.
  4. We alllook forward to your next visit to Nanjing.
  5. Shediscovered that she had lost her purse.
  6. The plane willland in five minutes.
  7. Itused to be thought that the earth was flat.
  8. Everyone is fascinated by the singer’samazing voice.
  9. My parents arethinking of spending their holiday in France.

Grammar Tips / Exercises

  1. Choose the right pronoun.
  2. Look to people in the eye when you talk to (them/ they).
  3. Have confidence in (you /yourself).
  4. People will be interested in you if there is (something/ some) interesting about you.
  5. Your best friend is (someone /the one) with whom you can share your happiness and sorrows.
  6. Mr. Brown and (she/ her) herself came to visit us last week.
  7. This is a secret between you and (I /me).
  8. He set a good example to (we /us) all.
  9. Treat your friend as you would like him or her to treat (you/ your).
  10. People are attracted to (those/ these) with self-confidence.
  11. Terry wants to be friends with the most popular girl in the class because (anyone /everyone) else likes her.
  1. Fill in each blank with a proper pronoun according to the Chinese given in brackets.
  2. These aretheir (他们的) bicycles. Ours (我们的) are parked at the back of the building.
  3. Imyself (我自己) took the crying little girl to her home.
  4. Thankyou (你) for your help.
  5. Which (哪些) are heavier, these or those?
  6. I will give you the answer tothis (这个) question.
  7. His hair is darker thanher (她的) hair.
  8. Which coat is John’s? Is this onehis (他的)?
  9. She madeherself (她自己) a new dress.
  10. He losthimself (迷路) in the woods.
  11. Please helpyourself (自行享用) to some more fish.
  1. Choose a proper indefinite pronoun to complete each sentence.
  2. He has lots of books, but he wants (many /more).
  3. If (anyone/ nobody) calls, tell them I am busy.
  4. The coat is too big. Please show me (other /another).
  5. (Little /Few) are as clever as he is.
  6. The mother has three sons. (Both /All) of them are teachers.
  7. Would you like (some /any) more?
  8. How many copies do you want? We can let you have as (many/ much) as you need.
  9. If you don’t want to gain weight, eat (less/ little).
  10. Do you prefer these wallpapers or (others /those)?
  11. Her new car goes faster than her old (other /one).

Text B / Comprehension


  1. Choose the best answer according to the text.
  2. What does NOT happen to interpersonal communication (人际交往) nowadays according to the passage?
  3. People have deeper relationships.
  4. People use the Internet to get in touch with others.
  5. People like texting and messaging more than talking on a phone.
  6. People have more acquaintances through electronic communication.
  1. About half of British people think that ________.
  2. they have stronger connection with their friends
  3. they are rich in friends
  4. they are entering a new period of friendship
  5. they have fewer closest friends
  1. Pressures on friendship include ________.
  2. demands of work             B. long distance
  3. better-paid jobs              D. all of the above
  1. When is most likely for a person to make true friends?
  2. In summer.                 B. In childhood.
  3. In playtime.D. At night.
  1. What does “the device” mainly refer to in the last sentence of the passage?
  2. Mobile phone.B. Telephone.
  3. MP3 player.                 D. iPad.

Keys: 1. A   2. D   3. D   4. C   5. A

  1. Read the sentences below and decide if they are true or false according to the text. Write T for true or F for false.
  1. The Internet is changing the way people manage relationships.
  2. People do not like to use the telephone now.
  3. Electronic communication reduces the chances of human contact.
  4. Aristotle believed that one’s life is fundamentally lacking without a good friend’s company (陪伴).
  5. People themselves are to blame for having less friendship.

Keys: 1. T   2. F   3. T   4. T   5. F

Comprehensive Exercies

  1. Choose the best answer.
  2. This radio is almost the same as ________.
  3. she’s                   B. her
  4. hers                    D. she
  5. She told me two stories, but ________ of them was interesting.
  6. either                   B. both
  7. neither                  D. none
  8. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ________.
  9. all things                B. everything
  10. something               D. nothing
  11. The doctor said that she would try ________ best to cure me.
  12. one’s                   B. her
  13. his                     D. the
  14. Many young people read the English newspaper calledThe 21st Century________ improve their English.
  15. as to                   B. so that
  16. in order to               D. in order that
  17. Which newspaper do you think ________ young people in Australia?
  18. most popular of          B. is the most popular with
  19. be most popular of        D. are the most popular with
  20. I was in the kitchen ________ something when the doorbell rang.
  21. cooked                 B. cook
  22. to cook                 D. cooking
  23. There ________ a swimming pool in the school.
  24. lived                   B. happened
  25. seemed                 D. was
  26. When will those shops open? I don’t know when ________.
  27. those shops will open      B. will those shops be open
  28. will those shops open      D. those shops are opening
  29. Please ________ me that I must call her before nine.
  30. remind                  B. remember
  31. let                      D. talk
  1. Fill in the blanks with the words given below.
sisters    lent     found     lonely     hometown     sharing


Two years ago, I left my hometown to start my college life in this strange city. I knew it was time for me to learn to depend on myself. But facing a completely new place, I was homesick and lonely . Luckily, my former classmates wrote me a lot of letters during this period, sharingwith me their experiences in their new schools. Meanwhile, my roommates lent  me a hand. They helped me deal with every difficulty I met both in study and in life. They said that we were sisters since we had the same goal in life. With their help, I quickly fitted in with the new school life and found  myself in an exciting new world.

  1. Translate the sentences into English, using the given words or phrases.
  2. 他的一番话伤了朋友的感情。(hurt)

What he said hurt his friend’s feelings.

  1. 约翰对比尔来说很重要,因为他总是给比尔许多帮助。(mean … to)

John means a lot to Bill because he often helps him a lot.

  1. 我们大家都同情她。(sympathy)

We all have sympathy for her.

  1. 比起电子通讯,我更喜欢面对面的交谈。(prefer … to)

I prefer face-to-face talk to electronic communication.

  1. 他们小时候常在一起玩。(hang out)

They often hung out together when they were young.

  1. Translate the following passage from Text A into Chinese.

When I was quite young, my family had one of the first telephones in our neighborhood. Soon I discovered that somewhere inside that wonderful device lived an amazing person — her name was “Information Please” and there was nothing she did not know. My mother could ask her for anybody’s number; when our clock stopped, Information Please gave us the correct time at once.


Practical Reading and Writing / Exercises

  1. Read the letters above and complete the answers to the questions.
  2. When was Megan Wood going to visit Alice Sammel?

She was going to visit her sometime the next year .

  1. What did Megan plan to do to make the trip possible?

She planned to take every chance to do odd jobs and save enough money .

  1. How did Alice behave right before Megan’s visit?

She became more and more restless and excited. For a couple of weeks, her mother often caught her smiling to herself and even thinking aloud .

  1. Judging from the two letters, how long had they been writing to each other?

They had probably been writing to each other for more than ten months .

  1. Can you tell their personalities from the letters?

Megan is a(n) independent and active girlwhile Alice is friendly and rich in sensibility .

  1. Write a letter to your best friend to keep him updated about you. Pay attention to the format of your letter.


September 25, 2012

Dear XXX,

I received your letter yesterday and could hardly contain my joy for the rest of the day. How wonderful it is that you find the new school a pleasant place where the teachers are nice and your classmates friendly!

As for me, I am still busy adapting to the new environment which I find very different from our middle school. The food in the school canteen hardly interests me and one of my roommates, a late sleeper, follows a very awkward and disrupting daily schedule. But the most difficult thing is that I have to live on campus, away from family and old friends. How I wish you were here with me!

Do come and see me if you have any time!





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